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Help ! Guppy fin and tail rot

Started by Tones, January 01, 2013, 07:55:14 PM

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I just lost a male to what looked like mouth rot he was not able to close his mouth and he wasn't able to eat, he also had tail rot  ! Now I have 5 more in a hospital tank with aquarium salt, melafix and Pima fix.

The water in the original tank had too much ammonia cos of over feeding (girlfriend fed em without me knowing cos "they always came up for food" ) I resolved the issue with the water changes and the lil white chips in my filter. Also I only have guppies a placo and a dwarf ladder loach in the main tank and 2 females for every male guppy.

It's been a day now and the fellas in the hospital tank r not showing any sign of getting better. Can someone please please help I don't really wanna lose my fishies and its depressing me to watch them suffer so much :'(

Any advices would be greatly appreciated.


Hi Tones,

Here is a link that will help

Here's hoping that you can save them.
Good luck


I recently posted aboput a bleeding heart tetra that wasn't doing so well.  I have since raised the temperature of the quarantine tank and he is much better now so maybe try raising your temp.  Mine is at 26 degrees.


dont mix primafix and melafix with aquarium salt.... id suggest aquarium salt then raise the temp to 28-30.. they are normally fine without being fed for a week. mouth fungus is usually lethal on a guppy, because of them being vicious gluttons with high sensitivity on water parameters. primafix and melafix dont do anything when the ich is severe, they are only good at early stages of infection. if you are going to do a water change, make sure you let your water sit for about 24 hours or more.

if you have access on levamisole then you are better off using it. i find it highly effective on treating ich in guppies.

i wish you good luck.


Thank you for all the advice folk...I added some salt n upped the temp to 28 Tuesday morning and the tail rot seems to have calmed down...I can't see any of the white "rot" edges on them...but now I got a long white whispy string coming out of two females who are acting lethargic and drawn out...still doing some research on that to figure it out as well.

I'm paying heavy for not keeping a closer eye on my water quality :(


White stringy poop is the sign of internal parasites. But if you up the temperature to 86ºF/30ºC the parasites have a much harder time surviving, and I would add an air pump to compensate for the reduced oxygenation at that temp.
125g, 32g, 7g