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substrate - plants

Started by soleil1980, November 25, 2012, 12:02:08 AM

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I just got an amazing 60g for free yay!!!  I have everything I need to get started except substrate.  My plan is to keep easy plants (java fern, moss, anubia...), livebearers, cories and maybe BN plecos. no CO2 injections and no fancy lighting... just a fluorescent made for plants.

Buying substrate from the fish store might get expensive so I was wondering if I could buy the sand they sell at club piscine for pool filters.  Anyone ever used it?  Would it be safe for my fish and plants?  Most of my plants will be on rocks, driftwood or not very deep in the substrate.

How about sand for sandboxes???

60g guppies, female bettas, bushynose plecos, cories, apistos
2 x 5.5g male bettas
10g bredding tank for bettas,
2.5g male betta
20g, divided with babies (bettas, plecos and cories)


Pool filter sand is great, I have it in my 135g. I've got Val's growing in it no problem, but if you ever want to go to plants with more root uptake type requirements it won't be the best choice.

Sand for sandboxes, also called play sand, will work as well...but it's more of a tan colour and is much "dirtier" out of the bag.  The pool filter sand I got needs a quick rinse to get rid of dust and then it goes in the tank. Some people have mentioned needing to rinse play sand 4-5 times.
I haz reef tanks.


I've done both pool sand & playbox sand, and perosnally pefer the pool sand for the look and price. I think I paid $8 for 50 lbs.
125g, 32g, 7g


I've used both as well.
Play sand is crazy to rinse, especially this time of year when you
have to do it indoors. Much better in the summer with a pail and a garden hose.
If you can be patient, yes I know not easy in this hobby, but there is usually a quite a few people who take down tanks due to the busy season and you may just luck in, although it'll be more than likely gravel.
I have seen on occasion people getting rid of fluorite as well though.

Good luck and congrats on the new tank, can't wait to see what you end up doing with it. :)
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


thank you for responses!  I think I will go with the pool sand...  I like the colour better.  I have so many ideas and I look around for deals so I don`t really know what it is going to end up looking like.  I will post pictures for sure.
60g guppies, female bettas, bushynose plecos, cories, apistos
2 x 5.5g male bettas
10g bredding tank for bettas,
2.5g male betta
20g, divided with babies (bettas, plecos and cories)


I had decided to go with the sand you put in pool filters... I still want to do that but I can`t find some anywhere!  I went to club piscine and they only carry the small grey pebbles.  Do you know where I could get the white sand at this time of year?  I don`t mind going to Ottawa.
60g guppies, female bettas, bushynose plecos, cories, apistos
2 x 5.5g male bettas
10g bredding tank for bettas,
2.5g male betta
20g, divided with babies (bettas, plecos and cories)


Not sure where you're located but
believe it or not I picked up pool filter sand from my local feed store, M& R, but that was a couple years ago.
You never know where you can find things for our hobby.
I have to admit they thought I was crazy for buying this sand for my aquarium ::).

Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


Yeah mermaid pools has it for about $10 for 50lbs at 1867 merivale near hunt club.
125g, 32g, 7g