Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Assassin snout&worm

Started by wrm130, November 18, 2012, 01:37:56 PM

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So everyone loves pictures, they make threads more interesting.  Here are two neat pics.

One shows the surprising(to me anyways!)length of an assassin snails snout.

The second is some sort of weird worm thing that lives in my daphnia jars.  The worm is slightly orange/pinkish in color and builds itself a tube.  The tubes start quite small but the worm builds them larger.  I havent been able to figure out what they are yet.  No algae grows on the glass around the ends of their tubes.  At least within reach of the worm.  I'm assuming this is what they eat as I've spent much time watching them and the daphnia seem unaffected.


Phylum Annelida 
Family Tubificidae (aquatic worms)

Aquatic worms are close relatives to the earthworm except they are smaller and live in shallow, fresh water.  They feed on detritus, bacteria, and algae in the water.  They use the same undulating motion that is common movement for earthworms.