Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Who's the culprit?

Started by angelcraze, February 08, 2013, 07:35:25 PM

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I've had good growth with this red ruban sword (I think, or red melon sword) for months, then all of a sudden, something is attacking a new leaf.  All I have in this tank are: assassin snails, pond snails, malaysian trumpet snails, and cherry shrimp. That's it.

I saw a huge pond snail on this leaf the day I noticed the holes, I took a pic of the leaf w/ the pond snail beneath it, but I didn't know if they would eat plants like this.  I know they eat dead or decaying plants, but this plant does not look like it's on it's way out.  Just one new leaf?

Does anyone know what could be doing this for sure?  I am not happy.  And just to warn others of this if it is the massive pond snail.
Give me ShReD till I'm dEaD!!!


i am not sure but all i know is that trumpet snails do eat dead plant matter.


Thanks for the response blueknight

Yeah, dead plant matter, the plant actually grew another leaf in the meantime, and that 'fill in the blank" massive pond snail was at the scene of a half-eaten new sprout again!!!  I'm pretty sure it's the pond snail now, I guess I just want to warn others, and show that they can eat new growth when they are starved.  (there is not much dead plant matter in there)  I stopped "feeding the tank for a week or two, since there are no fish.  I figured the inverts could clean-up, but I guess they went crazy.  Just something I found out.:)
Give me ShReD till I'm dEaD!!!