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New to dosing. Does this sound like a good schedule?

Started by iatetheweatherman, April 07, 2013, 12:47:03 PM

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Hey guys. I just finished my blackout and I am going to start dosing to see if that keeps the algae away. I'm new to ferts and was wondering if this sounds right. It's what this calculator gave me:

-Do you guys dose all of these? Is there any I can cut out to make it simpler? Like the MgSO4?


Day 1    50% Water Change and:-   
      Potassium Nitrate (KNO3)    7/8 tsp
      Monopotassium Phosphate (KH2PO4)    1/4 tsp
      Magnesium Sulphate (MgSO4)    1/4 tsp
Day 2      TNC Trace     1/4 tsp
Day 3      Potassium Nitrate (KNO3)    7/8 tsp
      Monopotassium Phosphate (KH2PO4)    1/4 tsp
      Magnesium Sulphate (MgSO4)    1/4 tsp
Day 4      TNC Trace    1/4 tsp
Day 5      Potassium Nitrate (KNO3)    7/8 tsp
      Monopotassium Phosphate (KH2PO4)    1/4 tsp
      Magnesium Sulphate (MgSO4)    1/4 tsp

Day 6     Rest   

Day 7    Rest


125g, 32g, 7g


Quote from: exv152 on April 07, 2013, 01:11:20 PM
What's the tank size?

That looks like a 90 US gallon tank based on the calculator. I guess it's more likely it is a 75 gallon tank but imperial gallons were used for calculations.
220g FW Community planted: SAE (5), Puntius denisonii (4), clown loach (2), Yoyo loach (3), kuhli loach (3), otocinclus affinis (2), rummynose tetra (3), harlequin rasbora (17), rope fish (1), glass catfish (3), bamboo shrimp (2), upside-down catfish (2), Chinese algae eater (2), rubber-lipped pleco (2), cherry shrimp (many)

55g FW Community planted: Black ghost knifefish (2), Armored bichir (2), banjo catfish (2),  Rosy tetra (2)


Well .. I thought it was 90... But I found out today it is actually a 75 gallon haha. I got the tank for free and just took his word on it. Anyways... So I did the calculations for a 75, but I was getting hard to measure amounts like 7/32 tsp. So I think I will make a solution instead.

The same site gave me these calculations:

1) Macro Solution:-   
Put appox 850 ml of water into a container and add the following:
(Note you may not need Magnesium Sulphate if you are in a hard water area)
      Potassium Nitrate (KNO3)    31g
      Monopotassium Phospate (KH2PO4)    12g
      Magnesium Sulphate (MgSO4)   74g

Mix well and add water until solution is 1000 ml

2) TNC Trace Solution:-   
Put appox 850 ml of water into a container and add the following:
   TNC Trace 7.9 g
Mix well and add more water to make up to 1000 ml

Day 1)    50% Water Change       
           Add 140 ml Macro Solution to your tank   
Day 2)      Add 140 ml TNC Trace Solution to your tank
Day 3)   Add 140 ml Macro Solution to your tank   
Day 4)   Add 140 ml TNC Trace Solution to your tank   
Day 5)   Add 140 ml Macro Solution to your tank

Sound about right?


I use the same idea for dosing, creating two mixtures (Micro bottle and a Macro bottle) every two weeks and adding the necessary amt using a shot glass. The method you found took me about 6 months to find and sadly I didn't have it earlier... This method of adding DIY liquid fert mix is a heck of a lot easier then measuring out the dry powders.

Ever since i changed my dosing regime and fixed my CO2, I found that the BBA has now almost gone away completely and my hair grass carpet has exploded and is nearly covering 3/4 of the bottom of the tank. I currently run 7 hr lights with low regulted CO2 dosing...

Happy dosing :)


Awesome, glad to hear it clears up BBA! I found an old scale of mine, so all I need now is the Monopotassium Phospate, Magnesium Sulphate, and the plantex csm+b.


Epsom salt from Shoppers DrugMart will help you out with the need to find MgSO4.


I forgot to mention I have a dirted tank. I just did some research and found out dosing might not be recommended with dirted tanks. I just thought since I was measuring 0 nitrates I needed to start dosing.... So confused now.

Tank: 75 gallon, co2, dirt capped with gravel, 4 t5ho 54 watt bulbs.


I am no professional with dirted tanks, but I think plants still need a little bit of fertilization to help out. I am probably wrong in my amateur opinion.


Well, I decided to go ahead and start dosing. What would be the sign that I did not need to dose, and have an excess of nutrients and trace elements? An algae explosion?


There is  an e book out there for dirt cheap, probably the cheapest thing you can buy for a planted tank but it is probably the most important tool for a planted tank  ;)
Well woth it`s 5.00