Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

I have a question...

Started by shannon333, February 12, 2013, 03:19:26 PM

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Omg, nice re editing!!

And Greatwhite, this was not an intentional attack. (quit with the paranoid delusions).You have basically attack anyone who doesn't fit your perception of what you want. Guess what, this is SUPPOSE to be a club, not some personal site forum.
This was for Ovas only, but like every other time you stick your nose into it and twist peoples words.
Oh yeah, you took part of a sentence and twisted it to suite your purpose.
And Greatwhite (along with Ovas people), I'm not surprised you attacked me for simple questions, I have seen you attack so many other people, get them banned or simply get them so fustrated and angry they don't come back.
And Ovas People (People who run Ovas) SHAME ON YOU FOR RUNNING SUCH A RICKETY CLUB!!  
I have no respect for people who use thier position to bully, run long in the mouth and berate people, AND BLOCK THEM/BAN THEM to make yourselves look better after re-editing stuff to suit your purpose.

oh yeah, did I forget to mention I copied and pasted the whole original conversation to mail and I'm sending it and the revised addition to CAOAC. You people can't bully and belittle and get away with it.
You can't Ban people because you have a difference of opinion and get away with it.
We'll see what CAOAC has to say about this!
I came back to defend myself!
I don't know what is going on in Ovas, nor do I want to. Leave me out of your issues.  
What I know, is this club was run better . Maybe those people should come back to run it again!
A few simple questions and your out to get me! (no paranoia here, just truth)
Am I coming back, definitely not!
Have you succeeded in booting another person out, Yep, thats for sure!
And your wondering why your memberships are down!!


I'm sorry, I said I would refrain from posting again, but that was ridiculous and unfair!


Quote from: shannon333 on February 13, 2013, 08:38:47 AM
Omg, nice re editing!!

And Greatwhite, this was not an intentional attack. (quit with the paranoid delusions).You have basically attack anyone who doesn't fit your perception of what you want. Guess what, this is SUPPOSE to be a club, not some personal site forum.
This was for Ovas only, but like every other time you stick your nose into it and twist peoples words.
Oh yeah, you took part of a sentence and twisted it to suite your purpose.
And Greatwhite (along with Ovas people), I'm not surprised you attacked me for simple questions, I have seen you attack so many other people, get them banned or simply get them so fustrated and angry they don't come back.
And Ovas People (People who run Ovas) SHAME ON YOU FOR RUNNING SUCH A RICKETY CLUB!!  
I have no respect for people who use thier position to bully, run long in the mouth and berate people, AND BLOCK THEM/BAN THEM to make yourselves look better after re-editing stuff to suit your purpose.

oh yeah, did I forget to mention I copied and pasted the whole original conversation to mail and I'm sending it and the revised addition to CAOAC. You people can't bully and belittle and get away with it.
You can't Ban people because you have a difference of opinion and get away with it.
We'll see what CAOAC has to say about this!
I came back to defend myself!
I don't know what is going on in Ovas, nor do I want to. Leave me out of your issues.  
What I know, is this club was run better . Maybe those people should come back to run it again!
A few simple questions and your out to get me! (no paranoia here, just truth)
Am I coming back, definitely not!
Have you succeeded in booting another person out, Yep, thats for sure!
And your wondering why your memberships are down!!
No offence but i honestly think you need to research what OVAS is - for starters  was created 59 yrs ago & launched a forum quite a few years after which in effect makes the club the horse & the forum the cart.
BTW OVAS is a public paid members club , the forum is a publication of the club to further enhance the education of the hobby , this is achevied by sharing & asking hobby related  discussion, i should add this a free effort by OVAS to all hobbyist, as a subscribed member( as with any paid membership of any club) they are perks available for those that are financial members of such as a discount at some LFS, free admission /heavily discounted entry fees to OVAS special events, an opportunity to offer hobby related & non hobby related items to a targeted audience among other things.
I would hope that from this you would understand that without paid members there would be no OVAS the CLUB without the club there would be NO OVAS forum.
OVAS does  still be believes in the freedom of choice as such the CLUB does not force anyone to do anything it`s all up to an individuals freedom of choice .

Kind Regards
Errol Choo
P.S this is my last contribution on this subject.
Please take me up on my offer to provide the facts, of your allegation of banning people for suggestions or opinions.
Hersay as far as i know has no foot to stand on in any arena.


Quote from: shannon333 on February 13, 2013, 08:44:51 AM
I'm sorry, I said I would refrain from posting again, but that was ridiculous and unfair!

  last season OVAS had less than 100 paid member among several hundreds of non members
This season OVAS has 177 members among several hundreds non members
Kind Regards
Errol Choo


Quote from: shannon333 on February 13, 2013, 08:38:47 AM
Omg, nice re editing!!

And Greatwhite, this was not an intentional attack. (quit with the paranoid delusions).You have basically attack anyone who doesn't fit your perception of what you want. Guess what, this is SUPPOSE to be a club, not some personal site forum.
This was for Ovas only, but like every other time you stick your nose into it and twist peoples words.
Oh yeah, you took part of a sentence and twisted it to suite your purpose.
And Greatwhite (along with Ovas people), I'm not surprised you attacked me for simple questions, I have seen you attack so many other people, get them banned or simply get them so fustrated and angry they don't come back.
And Ovas People (People who run Ovas) SHAME ON YOU FOR RUNNING SUCH A RICKETY CLUB!!  
I have no respect for people who use thier position to bully, run long in the mouth and berate people, AND BLOCK THEM/BAN THEM to make yourselves look better after re-editing stuff to suit your purpose.

My response was in regards to your attack against Fishnut that was since edited out as a "misunderstanding".  You probably didn't see the pre-edit version of my post, although the question about the purpose of the thread and constant attacks does still apply.

I do not have any problem with simple questions, I have a problem with HOW the simple questions were asked.  You can't post something rudely, and then follow up the post with "oh, that seemed harsh at the end.  I sure hope I don't get banned" and expect that to make the first post any less rude.  If you TRULY thought that you were crossing a line "near the end", there's an edit button that you could have hit and totally skipped the drama.

So now you reply, trying to discredit me (because I replied instead of Fishnut here) - by saying that I attack "so many other people" and that I get people banned and/or so angry & frustrated that they leave?  Wow, that's news to me, person I've never spoken to or even heard of before...

Anyways...  Have fun twisting my words and tossing the crazy accusations with no info to back them up.  I do find it entertaining...



I don't understand how people who have paid nothing and don't run a club think they're entitled to it's resources.


I'm not replying to this anymore.
Not because I have lack of info, or anything.
You completely missed my point, took it out of character, twisted it, and this can go on forever or until you ban me.
I was trying to get ovas to open up thier site to everyone again.
You have it so that you are not letting anyone in, banning everyone with the same proxy ip.
(it accur to you that alot of different people use the same proxy)

Greatwhite, did it ever accur to you I wasn't attacking fishnut.
That I appologized to her through mail if she thought I was attacking her yesterday.
You need to step back and stop trying to fuel a fued, that you have this post turned into.
Or is that what you want people to think? That I'm a bad person
I've been on Ovas for over 10 years, and I've seen you go at people everytime I decide to get back into aquaria and visit Ovas. You are quite the person, aren't you.
Another question for ovas...
It takes two people (or more) to fight. If greatwhite seems to be fighting with people she thinks doesn't fit into a public group, they get banned, why isn't she banned for the same thing?

ok I'm done with this.
This isn't a public club, its a personal site as far as I'm concerned


I edited GreatWhite's post after removing your post, which I pm'd you about and only after I asked him if he was okay with it being pruned to remove the quote from you and he part of his quote that related to it. I don't have to do that but I have allot of respect for people that contribute as much as he does to the club.

I tire of this, and its pretty easy to see that some people are trying to push buttons for their own agendas. I'm locking this thread exactly as it is with no further editing.  
I haz reef tanks.