Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Neon tetra swim bladder problem with flake food

Started by 76brian, February 15, 2013, 09:34:13 PM

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I'm having trouble finding a flake/staple food that doesn't do this to my neons (see video, swimming nose-down). Any suggestions? I've tried NutraFin Max Tropical, TetraMin Tropical crisps, and Omega One Freshwater Flakes with the same results. I thought Omega One was good stuff...

They'll swim fine later on or in the morning, and it never happens if I feed them frozen homemade food. That stuff is a little rich to be feeding every day though, and it tends to make the water develop ugly film on top.

These guys were not overfed. All the food I put in (finely crushed) was gone in under 30 seconds. Doesn't seem to matter if they eat a lot more or only a little.

Please excuse the look of the poorly planted/pruned tank...



have you tried hikari? hikari foods are awesome. :D



Even though I'm something of a hotheaded noob, I'll share my experience...Mine would do this if I scattered food on the surface.   If you're sprinkling, try plunging... Less air gulping.  :).