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Video of my 38 gal community tank.

Started by Mettle, November 14, 2005, 02:32:17 AM

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Tried making a video of my 38 gal. Hopefully it worked out alright. I hoested it on YouSentIt so it'll only be available for the next 7 days... Hoping there's no problems with the url.

click here

It's a large file, so probably only accessible for people on fast connections. After clicking you should be prompted for what you want to do - just click 'Open' to view it!

This is also my first time attempting anything remotely video related. So please don't be too harsh.



Tank looks good - I like the dark gravel.
Your betta has interesting colouration - couldn't really get a good look at the discus, but the rams are nice.
Do the clown loaches harrass the discus at feeding time?



Hey, pretty tank! Nice looking fishies, as well! Thanks for sharing.


Julie - At feeding time the betta is top of the food chain, amusingly enough. And the discus come in right after that. The clown loaches scatter as soon as they come close. The discus and the clowns also feed at different ends of the tank most often, so that works too.

Thanks for the compliments. :D


Just wanted to add in terms of the discus... The one you get a good look at is the smallest. The larger two are very camera shy. For some reason as soon as they see it they flip out and run and hide. Normally they're always out.


Great Music!

Tank looks very nice!  What editing software did you use?


Thanks Squeeker. I'm partial to the music myself. ;) (One of my favourite bands!) I used Windows Movie Maker.


Modest Mouse lol nice! :lol:

Very nice tank and nice variety of fish you have there! :D



omg that was too sweet...   your betta rocks.  i got a kick out of the credits...   very nicely done...