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First dive into African Cichlids, any stocking ideas for a 30L?

Started by dbl_dbl, March 14, 2013, 10:30:33 PM

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Would like to take my first trip into African cichlids...have never kept them before, and not really sure which direction to follow...

I have a good space for a 20g Long, but I think I could get away with a 30g Long as well. Any suggestions? My African cichlid knowledge is pretty sad and the best way to learn is to get interested so that's what Im gonna do!



With anything less than a 4 foot tank you're either looking at a species tank with dwarf Mbuna at a ratio of 1m/4f...something mild like Saulosi...or a Tanganyikan shell dweller tank.  A bigger tank is better for most cichlids.
I haz reef tanks.


Ditto for what Stussi mentioned, the bigger the better with lots of hides for these guys. They can be real
nasties when it comes to territories in small footprint tanks.
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


Shell dweller's look interersting.

3ft is the max, so I am looking for fish that would do well and thrive in a tank like this.


There are cookie cutter setups on cichlid-forum for 3 ft tanks with shell dwellers. Good place to start :)



Not sure what challenges you'll have finding some of these fish in Ottawa, but the good news is you have an advantage most of us don't.  8)
I haz reef tanks.


Thanks for the links! Oddly enough, I think we might actually have a pair of the brevis @ Innes Als right now. In fact, quite a few of those seem familiar. Appreciate the help!

Do you guys find it's healthier for the fish to be kept in water most closely resembling the Fish Store water (goes for any fish store) or to their natural habitats? I know this can very for different types of fish, usually it depends on wild caught vs farmed.


Quote from: dbl_dbl on March 15, 2013, 10:08:52 PM
Thanks for the links! Oddly enough, I think we might actually have a pair of the brevis @ Innes Als right now. In fact, quite a few of those seem familiar. Appreciate the help!

Do you guys find it's healthier for the fish to be kept in water most closely resembling the Fish Store water (goes for any fish store) or to their natural habitats? I know this can very for different types of fish, usually it depends on wild caught vs farmed.

Most of the cichlids in the hobby are tank raised, so I just try to provide a stable environment hat matches their natural environment as closely as possible without making any drastic changes. My malawi tank is at ph of 8.0, gh of 180 and kh of 200. The only thing I buffer is kh with Epsom salts.

Great article on water parameters here:
I haz reef tanks.

Mike L

 I set up a 20 long with multi's the first week in January and have had the most fun in this endevour. It is a joy to observe the behaviour and they are very easy to care for. It is a fish that I would highly recommend as a first foray into africans that will have you hooked for life.

I used sand substate, hob filter with a sponge over the intake.I divided the tank into thirds with some rocks added 18 shells divided evenly in each 1/3 and added the 6 multi's. Within 3 weeks one fish which I assume was male was getting harrased and had to be removed to the tang showtank. The remaining have mated with
1 fm/1m in one area and the 2 remaining females each taking a section and being serviced by the other male. I currently have 5 seperate batches of fry ranging in age from 2 monthes to a week ago.

When I was at the auction this weekend somebody had some neolampralogus similis for auction. They are alomost the same fish but in my opinion a little more colourful Somebody on the site might know who this is as he might have more that he might sell.

Best of luck and keep us updated