Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Looking for Section - Now Open to All Users

Started by Stussi613, January 30, 2014, 04:20:27 PM

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Based on feedback from the members, moderators and forum users of OVAS the executive has decided to open the Looking For section of the Classifieds to all users of the OVAS forum.  There are, in reality, lots of people who are new to the site that don't know where to find things that many of us seasoned veterans know where to find off the back of our hand.  Removing the posts follows the rules of the forum, however it goes against the principles in the Constitution of the club(in bold) to:

a) to further the study of all forms of aquatic life
b) to promote interest, exchange ideas, and distribute information concerning the hobby
c) to encourage breeding and displaying of aquatic life

d) to work toward the conservation of endangered species.

With this in mind the Looking for Section is now open and subject to the following rules:

All ads are subject to the Forum Rules located at , as well as the following rules specific to the looking for section:

1. The Looking For section of the Classifieds shall be used by Forum and Club members looking for sources for equipment, livestock and related items.  It is not intended for people to post items for sale, or for trade.
2. The Looking For section of the Classifieds shall not be used to solicit a response to an item for the purpose of attempting to sell that item to the person responding.
3. Looking For Ads should be aquarium related, but may also be seeking information for products that are related to the hobby in general (PVC Parts, Plumbing, Lighting, etc.)

Any ads that break the posted rules for the Looking For section will be immediately deleted without warning, notification, explanation or recourse.  The second instance will result in a 3 day vacation, and third instances will result in a permanent ban with no exceptions.  Moderation of items by the moderation team shall be considered final and no responses will be provided as to the validity of the decision to remove the item.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns please indicate them below, or feel free to PM myself, or Andre, and we'll be happy to discuss them with you.


I haz reef tanks.