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Recipe for homemade melafix substitute

Started by sarahbella, November 24, 2005, 05:00:34 PM

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repeej i SOOO want to try that !!!!  thanx for the info!!!  

theres not much of a difference between the price of the Cajaput Oil,  (Melaleuca cajaputi ) and the tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia)  either.  Tea tree is ~$23/16oz, the Cajaput is ~$29/16oz.  I guess it would come down to personal preference.  Ill have to add some of the cajaput to my next order and compare.....   such wonderful info Nerine, thanx :)


Sarahbella: not sure if those oils you list will do the same thing.

Pure T36-C5 Melaleuca Oil that I get from sells for $13.99/oz or 30ml.


repeej, i just looked at the prices from my other supplier (they dont carry cajaput)  and Pure Tea tree is $21/500ml.  I dont know if its T36-C5 but its theraputic quality.  You may be paying more since you are buying from a "specialty store"?

Perhaps you could inquire, if its the same it could save you some money if you buy a lot of it...  
look under essential oils..  i think its $3/15ml
Shes in missisauga, shipping is very reasonable and usually within 2 days
Des is in BC and he DOES carry the cajaput as well as the tea tree.   Shipping takes about 2 weeks


I'm already a member of Melaleuca "The Wellness Company" so I get it from them.  I don't use that much of the stuff so I don't mind paying for it.  And it's suppose to be the purest stuff on the market.

I'm sure there are cheaper options for comparable products but for the amount I go through the savings would be minimal.