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Hi! and Endlers?

Started by Eirikre, November 21, 2005, 12:26:23 AM

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I haven't been doing much with fish lately and I haven't been around here either so How's it goin?   :D

I'm about to restart my Endler comunity and I was wondering how it's going with other Endler keepers in this community.  I know there are a number of people who I helped start their populations and there are others as well so speak up.    :)   How are things?

Seriously.  What kind of set ups do you have?  How are your fish doing?  What is your population size and growth rate?  What does your population look like?  A lot of variability?  Lot's of fin colour? Any tank mates.

When I moved a year ago I moved group of endlers into a 50 gal heavily planted tank which contains 4 Angels then very young, 2 Rams, A Siamese Algae eater, 6 Ottos, 5 pygmy Cories, 6 Amano shrimp, 3 fan shrimp, a new additing young gold nugget pleco, and 7 distinct types of snails including a giant rams horn and a large tiger striped joby.  It is a beautiful tank but the survival rate of the endler fry is about 3-5 a month.  This tank has a wide array of plants at medium light levels with a heater but no mechanical filtration or current.  It has been running clean for 14 months and I love it.

 I am about to move my Endler population into a seperate colony tank where the population will grow very quickly.  

Aiglos has ordered some Endlers from so I am eager to learn how that goes and Aiglos I am curious about what your set up looks like.  What are your plans?

I think I will follow Aiglos's lead and order some new Endlers as well and kick start my new population.  If anyone would like to join in on an order from and share the shipping costs pm me.  I hope to be placing an order in the next few weeks.

So I've gone one and I apologize but I am eager to hear what others are doing with there Endlers so spill it.   :)


I have a bunch of Endler's, started with 4 males and 3 females. My males pretty much all have twin orange bars on the top and bottom of the tail, with lots of variability on the body (pink, purple, baclk, etc). One really cool thing I've noticed is some of the offspring have just a bit of a sword, so I want to see if I can isolate that trait.



I corresponded with Adrian for several days before I placed the order so far I am INCREDIBLY impressed with him, he is a very active poster on and is extremely interested in the breeding of pure endlers livebearers; although he does have some isolated hybrids which look great.

All together my order came to 50$ american; I think it was 61$ canadian.   They should be arriving this morning; Im a little concerned because they should have arrived friday but they didnt so they would have sat all weekend in a wharehouse somewhere; hopefully they all survive.

In the order I got 3 pairs of Endlers;  


Adrian also knew I was interested in the Least Killifish


I paid by paypal and it couldnt have been easier.

For my setup I have a 30 gallon empty right now; i went out and bought the coralife 30" 65W stip light and 40lbs of eco complete this weekend at big als.  There are no plants in it now but come meeting time I am hoping to stock up on Guppygrass/java moss   and some other easy to grow fast growing plants.

The tank will have nothing but endlers in it  (the least killifish are going into an empty 10 gallon )  

I am really excited.



Nice to hear you're still around. My wife 'Tanksalot' was the one who contacted you at least a year ago to get some Endlers. And we now have a planted 55 gallon with 18 very fat neon tetras, one shrimp, couple corys, couple SAEs...and about 35 male Enders. We had to separate out the females into a 15 gallon tank because things were getting little silly with at least four (if not more) generations in the 55 with who-knows-how-many more on the way.

The male Endlers are pretty consistently coloured: a black stripe from head to tail with an orange stripe right underneath, orange stripes flowing long each tail fork, and some other highlights as well. They love to gang up in the corner of the tank and go for endless rides along the filter outflow, up and down, over and over again. And they're completely compatible with the neons.

I'd provide a pic, but the little guys never stop moving!


Many tanks;  Where were you when I was asking for endlers livebearers !!!!!!!!!! tsk tsk tsk :-)


Just arrived today.  

Not too happy at no fault to Adrian HD at Swamp River Aquatics;  My package took 8 days to get here and I was told it would take 3-4 days.  There was a long holdup at the border;  all my males (1 is int he process of dieing; I am pulling for him) are dead;  only 1 female died;   and all the formosa minus 1 is alive.


I am sad to hear it. Does offer any kind of shipping guarentee? I have never had fish shipped to me but I know that many people have had great success. Still I am worried about shipping, especially in the winter.

The good news is that you have females, which are more difficult to come across than males generally,  and which are hopefully pregnant and will produce for you all the offspring you could need.

I am sure that 'Tanksalot' could help you out with a few males, or you could wait a few months and I will surely be able to help you out although I may wait until spring to restart my colony and have some new stock shipped from Adrian at that time.

Keep us up to date as to how things turn out with your new fishes. Good luck


I am hopefully still getting some Endlers from Matt;  That should do me to start my colony.  

If all goes well with them I will do another order with adrian in the spring as the fish he did send me (although dead) were beutiful.   He is very easy to do business with; as for return policy I am not sure what he does; I have emailed him and will see; hopefully he will just tack on some extra fish to my next order.    I can't blame him for his tropical fish not surviving all that time in a cold wharehouse waiting to clear customs.


Remind me about those Endler's on Monday afternoon or else I'll forget.


Matt:  I will remind you;  check your PM