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Refresher Course on cichlid startup

Started by zippity, November 28, 2005, 09:22:47 PM

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That's awesome Julie, glad to hear it. They actually have fry or just eggs? For a minute there I thought you meant the African butterfly fish and not the cichlids, that would have been truly incredible  :shock: .


I gravel vacced the tank yesterday and w/c'd.  Last night I looked in the tank and there was a cloud of little fry swimming near the substrate.  I fed some beefheart to the parents and one of them brought it to the fry.  :)



Very cool, guess I got the sexing right :-) Alright tha'ts probably enough thread jacking.


ok guys: i have bought 40lbs of crushed coral, added it to my tank after some rinsing, is the water suppose to be so murky? I think yes, but how long will it take for it to all settle down if that is what is suppose to happen?


Try running a filter with filter floss, this will clear it up quickly.



thanks julie but i dont think i have anything like a filter floss, so besides that????


100% polyster stuffing for pillows, dolls from Walmart for a couple dollars - that's what I used to clear up my sw tank of sediment when I first set it up.  You could try a sponge, it may work for you, it did not for me because I used a fine aragonite sand.



Yes, it is normal.  Unless you spend forever cleaning the substrate, you'll get the murk.  It will settle down after a day or two; just run your filter and it'll help.  Filter Floss can be purchased at any LFS, but once you get tired of the price you'll just go to Walmart as Julie said and grab a giant bag that will last you for life.


thanks guys, i did take out all the water tonight, and put all the lava rocks in, looks great, and then refilled the water, this time not as much of murkiness but still enough, will let it settle down till tmorrow night then if still pretty bad head over to walmart and play in the little dolls section or get a bag of that stuffing. When I do, do I leave it in full time in my filter or just until things have cleared up?


I use filter floss in all my filters now as one of the layers...

Advantage:  It is very fine, so does great at filtering small mechanical bits.

Disadvantage:  It clogs quicker.

It's a personal choice.


Ok now how about filters, which is the best to use on this 29 gal. which will be stocked with a few yellow labs. I now have a penguin 170 biowheel being used for this tank. Is there such a thing as too much filtering or you can never have enough?

By the way, my tank has settled down overnight and it is now at least 75-80% cleared up.


Don't think you can over filter, just the turbulance could be a concern - which penguin is it - how many gallons?
Don't think it matters, labs wouldn't be bothered by flow.



Saulosi are fine with Labs.  You might want to contact Pegasus on this forum; he's a local breeder who has saulosi and usually Labs too.

Filters:  Man, you're asking the easy Q's aren't ya!  hehe

- You cannot "over filter"; this is especially true with Africans.
- There is no "best filter".  Each type has it's advantages and disadvantages, and there is a lot of personal preference too.  
- Your Penguin 170 is rated for up to 50gals, this will be fine.


that is what i figured too but i did want to make sure, always trying to do the best thing i can with what i got. As for the labs, i may be picking up a couple from someone this weekend and yes thanks about Pegasus, will pm and find out if any Saulosi's available.



Pretty sure Pegasus only has 3" Saulosi ready right now.....but I'm going to see him tonight so I will find out.


I didnt read the whole thread but a 29 gallon tank is far too small for most Malawis unless yer looking at only keeping juveniles,  or lanisticolas