Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

MONTREAL GIANT AUCTION carpool information

Started by artw, April 27, 2005, 08:59:32 AM

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MONTREAL GIANT AUCTION carpool information

There will be an OVAS sponsored carpool to the Montreal auction this coming 27 November 2005.
we will be leaving from the Tim Hortons on Montreal Road near Ogilvie at 8am.   this is in the east end north of the 417/Montreal road exit.

We encourage the use of carpooling so OVAS will be paying $15 per person up to $45 per vehicle.  Drivers please keep receipts.   So we will try to get 3 people in each car.   There are trucks and minivans coming so we have lots of room for Aquarium Stuff.

the Montreal auction encourages Pre-Registration,  For more information please see the links below.

75 Sir-Georges-Étienne-Cartier,Montréal
new GOOGLE MAP with DIRECTIONS,+Gloucester,+ON,+Canada+to%3A+75+Square+Sir-Georges-%C3%89tienne-Cartier,+Montr%C3%A9al,+QC,+Canada&f=d&hl=en

Preregistration information FOR SELLERS.

Pré-enregistrement reçu avant le vendredi 25 Novembre 2005 (Minuit) par courriel au :

ou par Fax au (450) 419-4587. Ce pré-enregistrement vous assurera d'un partage des revenus de : 75% vendeur / 25% S.A.M. Après vendredi soir minuit ou sur place le 27 Novembre AVANT (10:00hrs) : 60% vendeur / 40% S.A.M. Notez que l'heure de transmission des courriels et des fax reçus sera l'heure utilisée et sera non discutable. Tout lot reçu sur place après 11:30hrs le jour de l'encan se verra automatiquement refusé.
Inspection des lots à partir de 10:00hrs

Pre-recording received before Friday November 25, 2005 (Midnight) by courriel with: or by Fax with (450) 419-4587. This pre-recording will ensure you of a division of the incomes of: 75% salesman/25% S.A.M. After Friday evening midnight or on the spot on November 27 BEFORE (10:00hrs): 60% salesman/40% S.A.M. Note that the hour of transmission of the courriels and received faxes will be the hour used and will be nondebatable. Any batch received on the spot after 11:30hrs the day of the auction will be seen automatically refused. Inspection of the batches starting from 10:00hrs

For More Information


Here are some information labels you's can use for your Plants and Fish.   You will get item number stickers in Montreal after you register your stuff.


Hi Art
Does the $ 15 per person includes the driver. ie the driver and 2 passenger will count as 3 . I will be going with my Minivan

55-g  Kribs. Busyi nose pleco, abino
25 gal yellow lab , Brichardi,
55-g white top Afra, Synodontus Alberti,
33- gal PS Demansoni
30-g Dim..Compressiceps , 55 gal  red swords, 
.30-g  P.S Flavus


So who is going on Sunday? Hope the weater is going to be good . I hear there snow coming. I am getting my list ready for pre registration on Friday

55-g  Kribs. Busyi nose pleco, abino
25 gal yellow lab , Brichardi,
55-g white top Afra, Synodontus Alberti,
33- gal PS Demansoni
30-g Dim..Compressiceps , 55 gal  red swords, 
.30-g  P.S Flavus


the only person that has contacted me so far is Steve Cass.  
I assume more people will show up at 7:30.  you guys should try and work out your carpooling etc, I wont be able to go again this year.



Quote from: "Julie"Hi, do they have sw goods also?
I never seen any there other than dead coral.

Art, 3 of us are leaving earlier and will not be at Tim Horton Sunday morning.

Let's try to ware our OVAS t-shirt. Last year, everybody knew we were from OVAS when we took the first sitting rows as a group.  :)
(I can't beleive I wrote this)


I am going , but in the event that not enough people are car pooling will the club still pay for gas. I also want to go as a convoy. Still bad at directions.
I can take up to 2-3 persons in my van. I would like a idea of who else is going
If you have stuff to bring and live downtown, I can arrange to pick yoiu up at your place before meeting at Tim Horton's

55-g  Kribs. Busyi nose pleco, abino
25 gal yellow lab , Brichardi,
55-g white top Afra, Synodontus Alberti,
33- gal PS Demansoni
30-g Dim..Compressiceps , 55 gal  red swords, 
.30-g  P.S Flavus


Julie not much in the way of salt there I went last year and there was a royal gramma and a pink bubble tip anenome. Guess it could be different from year to year though....
80 corner diamond
110 short
40 cube


SW livestock are not ideal for sitting on a table all day.


If we get a full vehicle, do we still have to meet at Tim Hortons or can we go ahead?


the only real reason for meeting at Tim Hortns was to try and consolidate the vehicles.  IE if you can fit your stuff into a bigger car, then do so.      I should mention that the carpool gas subsidation is for current cardholding OVAS members only. :D  you dont necessarily need to leave from Tim Hortons to get the club to pay for some of your gas


So, its 730 am at Tim Hortons . I'm already and can't wait! I can acommadate 2-3 passengers . I hope that we can leave as a group (convoy)  See you all for coffee

55-g  Kribs. Busyi nose pleco, abino
25 gal yellow lab , Brichardi,
55-g white top Afra, Synodontus Alberti,
33- gal PS Demansoni
30-g Dim..Compressiceps , 55 gal  red swords, 
.30-g  P.S Flavus