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blue gourami-new tank set up

Started by fishy friend, April 01, 2015, 08:24:47 PM

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fishy friend

After months in storage we decided to reset up our 50 gallon tank. We decided to go with a fresh water set up this time round. So far we have 6 cabomba plants and 10 blue gouramis. The tank was set up for about a week before adding the plants and then another week before adding the fish. I was thinking of transferring some of our pleco babies into this tank. From what I have been able to find online is that this should be okay. Anyone have any advise? Thank you very much, Natasha


The last time I kept gouramis was back in the 80's but I remember them only being a bit aggressive towards each other, especially the males, but fine with all other fish. But I don't see a compatibility problem with plecos & gouramis. Got any pics of the setup?
125g, 32g, 7g


I have a bristlenose pleco in a tank with 2 opaline gourami's.
No issues at all. 
Sounds like you are going to have a nice looking tank!

fishy friend

Thank you very much for your feedback jsay and exv152 :) now to get some of the babies out of their current tank, they are really fast and like to hide, lol. will post a pic soon.

fishy friend

Here is a pic of our newest tank.

fishy friend

fishy friend

Managed to move five of the Plecos over to this tank. All are doing well so far. When moving them over I noticed that there are lots of babies in their home tank and that the dad has gotten a lot bigger since we got him about a year ago. Don't get to see him often as he hides under and in the decorations. Now thinking of adding some cories and or shrimps to this tank as well. For the shrimp was thinking of adding either vampire shrimps or Amano shrimps. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you