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eleocharis acicularis mini

Started by rivermuse, May 15, 2016, 09:23:17 AM

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Does anyone have experience with eleocharis acicularis "mini" variant ? I had this in the past and it had melted within a month but I had awful lights back then.

Has anyone grown this without CO2? I have a 10 gallon with Satellite LED pro. I'm a bit intimidated to take a leap into CO2 world - debating if its worth the investment for such a small tank or try a DYI but that's a different topic.

Please post your experience with this plant if you had grown this without CO2. I'm very interested in this plant... ideally would want to try a small test patch. I wish stores sold "Test" plant kits with small bunches and single stems.



I have grown it but never without CO2, but i would think it should grow, since according to Tropica it`s demand for CO 2 is meduim ?, how well i don`t know.
In relation to sample /test plants, i don`t think it gets any better than Tropica 1 2 grow pots for approx 13.00, in all honesty the cost is not expensive for what you get.'Mini'(132BTC)/4571


I am trying it right now in a 10 gallon with DIY CO2 (using the citric acid method), and a 23w CFL daylight bulb.  Some of it has melted as I took it from my big tank (where i didn't know any was still alive) to a container on my windowsill, then back to submersed (i.e. wet to dry back to wet).  It is definitely pouting, but I do have some growth.  I will try to remember to report back if successful or not.

And I hear ya about samples.  You might get lucky posting in the classified. 

Good luck.


@ Charlie, thanks. I know its not that expensive. Just griping, to plant all that I get in the cup I have to uproot a lot of what I have and it would be a bummer if it melts again. :) would be nice if they sold "sample" platters.. haha...

Pm: Thanks, Will look forward to your review. @ CFL 23 W, daylight - Where did you get it from? Is it 6500K daylight ones?  When I looked around at Home depot etc., I did not come across anything higher than 5000K.


The plant will grow without CO2, albeit extremely slowly. CO2 would be recommended especially if you are wanting it to carpet to any degree. You will need to ensure that you have adequate lighting. Our recommendation is the following for what are classified as medium plants;

0.5-1.0 watts/l


25-50 lumen/l

For my $0.02 worth of opinion....I wouldn't try it without CO2.


Even thow this topic is somewhat dated. Im wondering if some of you have had success getting eleocharis to carpet in fluorite only substrate.

Ive followed tropica instruction and per cutting up the plant into 8-9 pieces. But it seems the roots are just clumping up and not spreading.  Maybe i should divide into alot more smaller clumps ?

My tank in 11g with a current usa sattelite plus, running co2 fluval 206. My drop checker is in the greeen and i dose flourish 1 ml of flourish once a week. 

3 fire tetras
3 cardinals
3 rasboras
6 amanos

This is my first post !  Happy to have found this forum.


How long have you planted it?
While i have never tried that particular specie in Flourite, i have in the past grown Dwarf hair grass carpets in both Flourite and eco complete.
Welcome, hope to meet and chat one day, perhaps at a meeting


Thank you for the reply. Its been planted for 4 weeks. I might be a little to enthousiastic on grow rate !

Ive just added root tabs and separated in much smaller bunches this weekend.

Hoppefully things move along.