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Summer projects

Started by Jody, June 08, 2019, 11:46:57 PM

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Hiya folks,
  I figured that it would be interesting to start a thread about summer fish projects.
   Do you have any plans to work on something new? Upgrade something?  Let us know!

  I have 2 projects planned so far.
The first is getting my ponds fully running, and getting a few plants and fish into them. I am still deciding which fish to put in this summer.

The second, bigger project is building a fry rack ( and another tank rack).
The plan as it is today, is an 80" (give or take a couple inches), with 4 shelves each holding 5 5.5 gallon tanks.
Behind the fry rack will be another rack for 4 33 gallon tanks.



My projects are to get my display tanks into shape after months of neglect.
Also planning on stream lining other tanks that don't get the time and attention needed.


Yeah it is easy for tanks to get neglected when you are getting busy.

I guess I am now committed to building a fry rack in the next couple of weeks, since I bought another 13 5.5 gallon


Nice!! Keep on breeding.
Would be nice to hear about other hobbyist projects, sure there is a lot more


Yes, it would be great to hear about other people's projects as well.

Well today was a productive day, I cleaned out a bit of the fishroom and moved a couple of tanks to their new spot, plus built a shelf to go above them. Not sure what will go on it permanently, but for now, I needed the space for a couple of the grow out tanks that I have going currently.

Now, I still have one rack to move/disassemble before I build the new racks.



Rearranging the spare bedroom in the basement to put a larger tank (possibly Flex 32) in.

Need to consolidate several smaller tanks I have into a single larger one.

Most pressing "project" is dealing with a hydra outbreak in my shrimp/endler tank.
Treating with hydrogen peroxide does not seem to be working.


Due to indoor space  limitations my summer activities will not include any new aquariums or building projects.  However I do have room for a small outdoor above ground pond .  I am currently on the look out for the ideal size  pond structure that also suits my budget .  This may also become a next year project and that's okay.

Currently I am in the process of growing out my freshwater blue Angelfish in the hopes that I will have several good pairs when I want to raise another batch of fry. 

Everyone enjoy our summer. On the morning show TV  they  "just"  had to mention only 6 months to Christmas. 


Calico  Great news about the Angel's and every project is a good one to try.

Blackrose I have some spixy snails that I can sell. They are great for hydra. Pm me if you are interested.

Brought home the new 13 5.5 gallon tanks, and will be picking up all the wood tomorrow.

So I will have to drain 6 10 gallon tanks tomorrow. The fish from those tanks will either be moved to other tanks or put in temporary holding in some 5 gallons.

Saturday will be a disassembling of the old rack, and clearing room for the building on Sunday.



Sounds like some super interesting summer projects on the go.

Do you find 5 gallon tanks are a good size for raising fry Jody?

The last three months for me has been such a crazy mess. My plans are to get the tanks but in shape fighting pests and algae takeovers, so that's my first step.

The next step will be to get some breeding going with daisies rice fish and the somphongsi rasbora.


I would have preferred 10 gallons, but space wise I can fit 12 10 gallon tanks or 20 5.5 gallons.
The idea is that the 5s can get water changed a bit more frequently and still be a good grow out size.
  I picked up the wood today. I love my Kia Rondo for space.

Good plans Matt. I hope you have good success with the ricefish and somphongi.



So I am actually way ahead of my plan.
Last night I got the tanks drained and rack torn apart.
Tonight I was able to clear out the space and build all 8 shelves.
That means tomorrow, I will be assembling, leveling and bracing everything.
Then I can start putting tanks on.
I will still have to run the airline for the filtration once everything else is done.


Here is my first Summer project
I picked up a 20 long and moved my Angelicus Pleco Hypancistrus sp. L004, L005, L028, L073, Along with my Green laser Cory's
I have a sponge filter on it and you can see I even added a Canister as you can see the spray bar in the top left.
And Peter notice the nice white rocks I have around the Sponge filter. There from our trip two years ago to bring back the tanks back for the club.
Would love to go back there as they had a pile of these rocks around the cottage.
"Quando omni flunkus, moritati"
"when all else fails, play dead"



So the rack is mostly done at this point.
I still need to get the lighting done, and do a bit more permanent air systems, but it is coming along well.

So the pictures are
Here is the wood cut and loaded up.
The second picture is the frames for each shelf
The third picture is the shelves laid out
The fourth is the frame of the racks, which I added the shelves to, they were leveled as they went in and everything leveled again at the end.



A few more pictures

The frame prior to the shelves being put in.
The completed fry rack with tanks.
The 2nd rack holding 4 33 gallons.

Still work to do.
A couple of issues that came up

When I calculated the spacing for the shelves, I counted each tank as 8" instead of 10", which removed 8" from the total. This meant that either I reduce the working space between tanks and shelves by the 2" or I remove a shelf. In the end, since I had already left only 6" of working space, I chose not use one shelf, and use the bottom of the stand, which I had planned to use for storage, for more tanks.

Some of the plywood I had cut was not to spec, so I had to trim a bit down

I had planned for 4 10 gallon tanks, and 15 5.5 gallons on the rack, but due to a vent/beam in the ceiling, I cut it to 2 10 gals, and 2 5.5 gallons on the top shelf.

Overall, I am very happy with the build, and will post more pictures once it is all up and going.


Hello All : I finally got my first batch of Blue freshwater Angelfish fry.  The parents  are young and after several tries and one partner switch I had a few eggs hatch among all the ones that were not viable.  Small  hatch but much better then none and I now have a summer project on the go .  Calico3


Quote from: Calico3 on July 11, 2019, 07:11:23 PM
Hello All : I finally got my first batch of Blue freshwater Angelfish fry.  The parents  are young and after several tries and one partner switch I had a few eggs hatch among all the ones that were not viable.  Small  hatch but much better then none and I now have a summer project on the go .  Calico3


Hiya folks,

A couple pictures of the up and running grow out rack.



Quote from: Jody on August 01, 2019, 12:24:30 AM
Hiya folks,

A couple pictures of the up and running grow out rack.


Nice Job . Calico3