Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Alt. Calvus

Started by james, January 02, 2006, 07:58:40 PM

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Hi James
Just be careful when mixing with certain fish because they will eat all the food before the calvus decide to look for the food and realize its supper time.

I had my Calvus with my Brevis and they always ate all the food before the calvus realize it was supper time!

So I would alway feed the Brevis first and gave extra for the Calvus's after the Brevis's were full. If not the Calvus's would all starve to death!

My three adult pairs are not lazy eaters throw in food and its a swarming in my 100 gals



Seem to be getting them to eat ok. But I did observed that certain one seem to take niip attacks, (from the side ) on other fish.  Is this male to male aggression. or a territorial thing. I don't think they are at a breeding stage yet? The largest guy is about one inch only.
Is this a problem?
They are in a 36x12x17 but seem to hang around on one side of the tank only and they don't seem to spead out. I have rocks all over the tank for them. All 12 fish wants the same space?

55-g  Kribs. Busyi nose pleco, abino
25 gal yellow lab , Brichardi,
55-g white top Afra, Synodontus Alberti,
33- gal PS Demansoni
30-g Dim..Compressiceps , 55 gal  red swords, 
.30-g  P.S Flavus


I had only two calvus in my 125 with mix cichlids.  One grew much faster to about 4 inches.  The other growth was stumpt and he's still junevile size.

However the big one had trouble in the 125 so I had to put in my mix 55 whereas he's second on the totem pole in that aquarium.

The junevile has started to show some growth as much as calvus will show.  And he continues to have no aggression problem with the other cichlids when many other fishes would have been gullopped up a long time ago.

I think it would be a wise investment to put it up on a tank by themselves because I am for one would pay more for those at the auction than I would for lithobates.

I think slow growth is more common among the tanganykyan cichlids because my buescheris growth has been slow.