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When to move the fry? Fry MOVED!!

Started by DARKPHREAK, June 17, 2004, 06:32:18 PM

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After my lastest batch of demasoni, I realized that the first fry in the tank is big. Hes about 1.5 inchs and Im wondering if he can be moved back to the main tank where the other demasoni are about 3 inchs and 1 lab is 3.5 inch. There is one dominate male that chases the females around and batters the smaller male. Theres enough hiding places for him to take cover and still be able to feed. If hes not big enough yet at what size would you all suggest?


IMO he's big enough, my version of 1.5" might be different then yours since you can't really take the fish out and measure it...most people guestimate and therefore everyones opinions vary..but if it is indeed 1.5" there will be NO problem whatsoever moving it into the main tank, I would even suggest you could have moved it at 1"


Well heres the fry in the 29g. Dominate male at top, submissive male at left and the fry hiding under the rock. Yes the fins of the submissive male are tatered abit. One my next day off I'll try and post some better pics if the fry survives.