Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.


Started by lcoates, July 16, 2004, 09:56:26 AM

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Okay, this has been driving me crazy, don't all laugh too loud!!! I have tried so many times to use those cute emoticons, I can't figure it out!
I am not computer savey at all, I would love any help. Thanks


:shock: Just click on them :D  8)


You must have javascript enabled in your browser for the emoticons to work.

When you click on the emoticon it inserts some characters in your text.  Just leave the characters as they are and when the post is displayed the emoticon is displayed instead of the characters.

With my browser the emoticon characters at always inserted at the end of my text.  I'm not sure if this happens for those using IE.  If you want you can move the grouping of characters to anywhere in the text.  

Enthusiasts can memorize the special characters and just type them in manually.  :wink:



I was clicking and clicking and all I saw was the text, thinking it would not work, deleted them. Thanks :D  :)  8)


lcoates : Now all you need is an Avatar  :!:  
Cheers. 8)