Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Convicy fry??

Started by Pisidan, October 20, 2003, 11:13:02 PM

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Hi I have a bunch of convicy fry..was wondering when is the best time to get rid of them sinc my tank will be too small for the little guys there about 3/4 of an inch my wife says I was never good at size measurement and they still cant eat full pellets bur eat the pieces of the pellets the bigger guys spit out I also feed them BBS every so often and Fry food..basocally crushed up flakes...My stock is from Ambushman picked up to of his 2 pink females one bein the mother, from his store before I even knew they were his and a Black/white male from Big l's that I really liked and info on where I could take them and when I should get rid of them would help as well thanxs again!! Oh yeah congrats Ambushman on that cichlid yeam leader thing just missed you the other day when I was in there u had just left for lunch anyways talk to you all layer chow!!


woops, heh..lunch is the only time I leave that place heh..if you can hold onto them a little longer when I am authorized to take fish in I could take some off your hands, we need small males right now at our store..I think all the small convicts are all female..not authorized to take in any fish yet tho


Sure i can hold for a while but just saw today more dam eggs lol so anyone want some convicts let me know lol


I have four large male convicts. Im gooking for a large female or two, and would trade for males. Also, if you have samll one to part with -  I have space, but no budget :)


Sure if u like soe of the fry I will give them too you free of charge cant tell if they r male or female but I could give you a few than the odds increse that you will get some females let me know..I understand the budget thing took me forever to save for my 55 gallon but it was worth it. anyways let me know email is also have msn and is on alot...or even reply here it hits my email as soon as a reply is done anyways chow!