Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

OVAS Plant Contest 2006/2007

Started by BigDaddy, August 25, 2006, 02:56:35 PM

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In preparation for this year's plant contest, I'm looking for a virtual show of hands to see the interest level before ordering our stock

The same rules will apply.  OVAS members will receive a free plant at the September meeting.  Take it home, grow it as best you can, and bring it back at the end of the season.

There will be a swank prize offered this year in line with our new budget.

The plant and the prize will be announced at the September meeting.

If you intend on particpating, please vote so I can get some rough numbers.


If there is a prize for most green spot algae on the leaves, I'll enter.


Might help if I put the right season up there


Thanks for your participation.  The plant has been ordered.  Make sure your membership is up to date for the September meeting if you want to get in on the contest!


 :)Hi i would like to put my hand up and try it out .I plan on getting my membership at the next meeting ,i look forward to meeting more member and make some new friends.take care .have a great day


When will we know the type of plant so we can condition a tank for it.  ?


The plant in question will be announced and distributed at the September meeting.


Bigdaddy:  Not that im questioning your authority nor your expertise but can you explain why you are waiting to announce the plant till the actual meeting ?   

My thoughts on wanting to know the type of plant it is is so I can prepare which tank to put it in and have the tank already for it. 

Are we looking hard/soft water plant ?
Highlight / lowlight plant ?
Stem plant / fern ? 
Planted in substrate / tied to driftwood ?
size ? 

I don't want to have a 10Gallon tank ready for a plant that grows to be 2 feet tall. ect.

I understand your secracy however if you choose to keep it as such.


The main reason for holding off until the meeting is so that everyone is on a level playing field.

I will say this though.  It is a medium sized plant that requires medium level lighting.  It will do well in very soft to hard water and tolerates pH ranges between 5 and 8.


Quote from: BigDaddy on September 02, 2006, 08:29:49 AM
It will do well in very soft to hard water and tolerates pH ranges between 5 and 8.


"A man with hobbies never has time to waste" B.P


Quote from: Aiglos on September 02, 2006, 06:24:21 AM
Bigdaddy:  Not that im questioning your authority nor your expertise but can you explain why you are waiting to announce the plant till the actual meeting ?   

My thoughts on wanting to know the type of plant it is is so I can prepare which tank to put it in and have the tank already for it. 

Are we looking hard/soft water plant ?
Highlight / lowlight plant ?
Stem plant / fern ? 
Planted in substrate / tied to driftwood ?
size ? 

I don't want to have a 10Gallon tank ready for a plant that grows to be 2 feet tall. ect.

I understand your secracy however if you choose to keep it as such.

To repeat the Big fella's reasoning, if you had everything ready, it wouldn't be much of a contest.

With everyone starting out of the gate, the research and preparation is the same and it is in the May meeting that we can all see how everyone adapted and progressed and that is a long time away, long enough in fact, that the plant would actually need care to thrive, as even a lot of non-aquatic plants can look good for as long as six months, so this takes it well past this period and displays a skill not accidental.

So enjoy the mystery, and may the best plant look even better in your own tanks at home.


Quote from: BigDaddy on September 02, 2006, 08:29:49 AM
The main reason for holding off until the meeting is so that everyone is on a level playing field.

More then awnsered my question.  thank you 


are the ovas execs(bigdaddy, art, PFG, BF60) allowed to enter?


You're darn tooting, I fully expect to take up the gauntlet on this one.



SeanC:  Being an OVAS Exec has nothing to do with being able to raise a plant :)


No, but, presumably, the exec picked out the plant, and so you know what it is before we do... and BigD stated earlier that:

QuoteThe main reason for holding off until the meeting is so that everyone is on a level playing field.

So, you folks are now ahead of the game.


The only people on the executive who know which plant has been chosen are Paleo, Jody McManus (since he ordered them for us) and myself.  I can assure you none of us have any intention of "cheating the system".  Jody will likely not participate.  Paleo has but one tank setup right now which has the potential to grow many different types of plants.  I have multiple tanks with multiple lighting levels.  I don't think there is any unfair advantage there.


Ovbiously some people who are on the Exec (Big Daddy for example) know what the plant is because they chose it. (duh).  I do not officially know what the plant is but I may have an idea because it was asked on the exec mailing list.    As far as I know the only person who OFFICIALLY knows what the plant EXACTLY is, is Big Daddy.

so you guys can all chill out.

You think if BF or artw knew what the plant waas 4 weeks in advance that it would make a hill of beans difference?  my tank already has Fluorite in it but its not like I would "prepare" a special tank just for a silly contest plant. Come on people.  Chill