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Solar powered fish tanks?

Started by FishPassion, September 06, 2006, 08:33:17 PM

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Babble:  Actually, your additions to my "averaging" are enhancing my pessimism.  I was intentionally simplistic in the calculations just to see if I could even get into a ballpark, which I couldn't.  Bring in all the other little things in electrical system design and it's miles away.

The only value I got out of that exercise was figuring out roughly how much electricity I'm consuming every month with my tanks.  It's about what I figured.


There, that was good fun, now don't you feel better?

For emergencies, it is good to have a plan, but as you noted, it is very expensive insurance, and like the ice-storm, one that is hard to plan for, but there is no problem so large that it can't be solved by throwing enough money at it.

There is definitely something to be said for all the exporters and the fact that they live right where everything is they require, for their electrical consumption is almost laughable.

By virtue of reliability and performance along with initial investment, it seems a very close race between accounting for probable disasters and moving to the tropics and doing away with the grid, hmmm, something about work though I'm sure.


Just realized that for the $2500+ it would cost for a barely not-very-adequate system for my fish wall, I could replace my entire set of livestock several times over.

Stop gasping.  That statement is Yet Another reason why more people don't do this sort of thing.


Quote from: DarkDep on September 08, 2006, 02:33:54 PM
Stop gasping. 

Is that what you're going to tell your fish when the power goes out and you're sitting there watching them die? :D


i have this really cool thing, that you plug into the wall, plug another thing into it, and it tells you how many watts it takes, how many Watts in a day, and all that stuff. Its a really cool thing.

I found out that my printer, takes 8 watts when it is plugged in, but turned off. I still have to use it on my tank though.


You'll fins a great many things are never really off when you shut them off, especially electronics, sounds like a cool little tool, but I am puzzled as to why your tank needs a printer, are you communicating with the fish? :D


apistome:  Where did you get this crazy device?  I've heard you can get them from the library of all places, I've always wanted to get one to see how much power...oh...everything in my house takes (cause I'm weird like that).


Gotta get one of those things, guess Im not the only one that is kinda weird like that. Have visuals of ppl runnin round there houses testin stuff.
80 corner diamond
110 short
40 cube


Quote from: DarkDep on September 08, 2006, 04:08:42 PM
apistome:  Where did you get this crazy device?  I've heard you can get them from the library of all places, I've always wanted to get one to see how much power...oh...everything in my house takes (cause I'm weird like that).
my avatar screwed you up!!!!!!
Iys SEANC!!!
read my name All powerfull webmaster, but obviously not all knowing....
maybe i ishould stop changing to oter peoples avaters....


OMG SeanC, kudos, you totally got me on that one.

That's why I hate when people change avatars; I never know who they are.


It is his finger.... :P(injured by a wild snail)


Quote from: DarkDep on September 08, 2006, 02:13:26 PM
Hell no.  Alternative power sucks all around. 

I agree with you but good luck telling the greens that.

Quote from: DarkDep on September 08, 2006, 02:13:26 PM
Dunno how long a bag of biomedia in a filter will last without food, but I'll hope for the best.

well during the power failure a few years back, my fish were without power for 36 hours,  and I just put blankets over the tanks and didnt feed them.  everything was fine and the filters seemed fine. I am sure there was some dieoff.