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Dicrossus filamentosis spawned

Started by sumik, November 23, 2006, 09:53:15 AM

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Eight months after purchase of Dicrossus filamentosis I came home yesterday and I discovered that a female is dressed in a solid dark stripe instead of normal checker board patterns and is hiding in a gap between rock and a driftwood. Once a while male helps venting eggs laid on petrified wood rock and they have been chasing away other females in the tank, however the male spends most time defending territory and the female hovers above eggs.  Today is the second day and the eggs look OK (no fungus yet). The male is aggressive and I removed one female from this tank with slightly damaged fins. I'm going to remove another female as well to keep only the breeding pair in this tank. Lyre-tailed Checkerboard Cichlid spawned in 10 g tank with weekly 20% water changes The temperature is about 28 C. Today I will check the water parameters to record it for a future reference.
I expect that the hatch may happen within two -- three days. (I have no experience with them)
What food the fry will accept if I get lucky enough to see the fry? Male is still slightly below 2" with nicely developed lyre tail and nice colors. Female is smaller than male and the eggs are tiny so the micro food may be required.


While baby brine shrimp are usually okay for most dwarf cichlids, you might wanna mix up a "fry cocktail" that includes a mixture of different sized foods.  Green water, microworms, vinegar eels and BBS all served up together will ensure that regardless of the size of the fry, there should be an acceptable food source for them.


Quote"fry cocktail"
I like that!
For non Africans these are gorgeous fish.