Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

My Story

Started by White Lightning, December 01, 2006, 03:34:49 PM

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White Lightning

So here is my storey. I have this 20 gallon tank that has been home to three dwarf gouramis for the last two years. They're all about two inches, one is a really nice blue colour and the other two are orange. I assume that they are all males because I have never had any breeding. I also had a tetra, swordtail and loach that I have moved to another tank. I went to Big Als on Innes last weekend and bought a gold gourami that was on sale and labelled as "from local breeders". Along with the gold gourami I also purchased a really interesting blue patterned gourami. I added the two new gouramis to the tank with the three dwarf gouramis. I have been watching them and the gold gourami is constantly chasing the other new one forcing it into hiding. They've even sqared off few times. Very funny to watch. I hope they eventually learn to live with one another.


maybe try rearranging things in the tank so that the new comers have a chance to set up some territories if you find one or two being pushed into a corner


By gold gourami, I'm assuming you mean the gold variation of the three spot gourami(Trichogaster trichopterus). this gourami is very beautifull to look at, but grows to about 6 inches and is one of the more aggressive gourami.  When they are small they tend not to cause much trouble, but when bigger, they can become quite nasty. Keep a close eye on it.


White Lightning

Well... I am updating my story. I have recently moved all my gouramis to a sixty gallon tank and have added six more gouramis. (1 moonlight, 1 albino, 2 pearl, 1 giant, and 1 banded and another blue paradise gourami.) I am thoroughly enjoying watching them all adapt to thier new environment. The gold one is so wierd, it continues to pick on both blue paradise gouramis. It leaves all the other ones alone but constantly chases the blue ones. If he keeps it up, I may have to set him straight! In moving all the fish to the sixty gallon ,I have also solved my dilemma of wanting to start up a cichlid tank. I wasn't able to because with all the driftwood in the sixty gallon the water parameters would not jive. Now I can use my twenty gallon to get some cichlids. I really like the frontosas. I can't wait!


QuoteNow I can use my twenty gallon to get some cichlids. I really like the frontosas. I can't wait!

Frontosas in 20g?

White Lightning

I am assuming from that reply, frontosas would not be a possibility for a 20 gallon tank? Looks like I'll have to do some research for what type of cichilds I can get for a twenty gallon.


Most shelldwellers will do in 20g, or SA dwarfs.


Nice job on freeing up the other tank and finding a good match for your driftwood tank. 

Although I haven't been following the thread completely, you may find Groan's thread on cichlids good reading.

I'm no gourami expert, but if you got a giant it will quickly become too large for your new tank and tankmates.  You may want to look into that one a bit more.

700 gal pond - Rosy reds