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Microrasbora sp Galaxy

Started by Woody, December 07, 2006, 09:34:19 PM

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After some serious water changes and lots of live food, my Galaxy rasboras are breeding, or at least going through the motions. The male drives the female deep into a thicket of plants where they both shudder together.
They rest momentarily then the male chases after her again driving her back to the thickets of plants.
Now it is just a wait and see if any fry can be spotted within the next 24 to 48 hours. The tank is heavily planted with Java Moss covering the entire bottom with floating hornwort. I have been seeding it with infusoria.
I have attached a photograph of the pair in question. They are very difficult to capture as they are so small and quick, but will be working on them for the next week or so.


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 :o Wow - congratulations!!
Keep us updated!  It would be great for the hobby to have a captive bred source of these beautiful little fellas.
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


That is pretty cool woody, don't forget to document the whole thing and update some fish sites as it is a new species.


Even I have no idea about this fish, it sounds like the achievement :)
If you have eggs and they just egg-scatterers, it is already great result! The first try is not very productive usually, and if you will have fry it will be great.
Good luck!


I saw these fish for the first time last night at Superpet. Very nice.   I may decide to put a whole bunch of these in my new 75.


Awesome fish. I got a nice picture from the Internet (attached). So far I can not take a good snap in my tank. What the water parameters you have for them? Is this the only pair in the breeding tank?

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They move pretty fast so I am having a hard time taking a photograph also. Good thing it is a digital.
I have twenty in my 15 gallon aquarium, temperature 76F, pH 6.2, GH and KH both less than one, but they were collected in water with hardness of about 5 degrees, or so my contact in Myanmar claims, he won't divulged the exact location.
30% water change with pure RO  every second day, light on 14 hours a day, the aquarium is covered with Java moss with hornwort in the other empty spaces. So thick I am unable to see through it.
Feeding twice a day, morning and evening, micro worms and decapsulated brine shrimp egg mixture in the morning, and some fine chopped worm, white, blood, white in the evening.
They are kept in a secluded area with no traffic, out of my hatchery, since they are wild caught and I want them to get use to me.
Beautiful little species that seems to be easy to breed, I know rasboras and danios are very similar in their breeding with only subtle difference.
I have bred a few micro-rasbora species, including a couple of new ones, the difficulty is not inducing them to breed, heavy cover, lots of good food and clean water parameters and they will breed, the difficult lies in raising the fry.
Very tiny fry as most micro-rasboras do have. We have experienced betta and dwarf cichlid breeders on this forum and we should be able to copy their trial and errors because I feel once established these little guys will become as popular as the cardinal and neon tetras.
From what I was told they are found in a secluded location that must be flown into and that they can be collected only once a year. How much of it is true who knows.  I do know that they are in limited quantities, my supplier only had six hundred of them so I bought them all.
We need to establish breeding colonies for the sake of this and other species so please feel free to share any knowledge you have learned and so will I. With these fish in the hands of experienced people like ZapZap, Matt and Mike I do not foresee any problems that cannot be conquered.



woody ,
ours  are on they way :) to follow yours :)

our dedicated breeding group is a bit larger than yours  ;) but our goal now is to see how much they can grow (max size), now that i know you breed them , we will concentrate ourself on optimize the breeding and found what is the spwan starter parameters.


What a beautiful fish - any sign of fry yet?


How have they been doing Woody, I am sure you have discovered a great deal about them, as always. I look forward to your update.