Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Welcome, from the world of fish people

Started by babblefish1960, December 11, 2006, 04:42:39 PM

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Hello, I have only been with OVAS since 1999 when I first moved to Ottawa, and on the executive this past term, it has been great fun to meet so many other fish nuts, some are nuttier than others, and it has been a great opportunity to see so much growth in the hobby.

Myself, I have been in fish for quite some time now, and have mostly been involved with South American Cichlids and tetras and catfish.

I must confess to having toiled with plants in aquariums for more than 30 years, and I can tell you, keeping fish in boxes with plants is an inexact science where discoveries are always being made, and old theories being re-tested.

I welcome you all to fellowship with your fellow fish nuts at our monthly meetings, and of course, on here at the website.

One teensy tiny wee confession here, I have had soil in my tanks for about 20 or 25 years, and I tell you, it may be controversial, but potatoes just never grow in rocks, and you can take that to the bank from an old farmer.


Come on there babblefish, that was pretty short for you!   ;D

Plus you left out the most important piece of trivia about yourself, you are probably the only person in the club who rents an apartment just for his fish!   :o

And what does the 1960 stand for?   ???
1 fish, 2 fish, <°{{{><  , <°{{{><  


Please allow me to post this link to enlighten you :)

(in best Paul Harvey voice, which isn't very good) And now you know... the Rest of the Story.

... to be continued, I'm sure! :D


Quote from: garnpet on December 12, 2006, 10:15:37 PM
Come on there babblefish, that was pretty short for you!   ;D

Plus you left out the most important piece of trivia about yourself, you are probably the only person in the club who rents an apartment just for his fish!   :o

And what does the 1960 stand for?   ???
Yes it was short, but I thought if it was too long, no one would ever see it. ;)

As for the 1960, well, the deadfishchick left a good link that clears or muddies that up, depending upon a certain point of view.

The fish apartment is kind of funny, I will tell it some time, for now, it is an anomoly, I mean honestly, who rents an apartment for their fish? That sounds completely daft. :D


Quote from: babblefish1960 on December 14, 2006, 03:23:44 AM
Yes it was short, but I thought if it was too long, no one would ever see it. ;)

As for the 1960, well, the deadfishchick left a good link that clears or muddies that up, depending upon a certain point of view.

The fish apartment is kind of funny, I will tell it some time, for now, it is an anomoly, I mean honestly, who rents an apartment for their fish? That sounds completely daft. :D

Well why not rent an apartment, some people build their fish a house.


Quote from: babblefish1960 on December 14, 2006, 03:23:44 AM
The fish apartment is kind of funny, I will tell it some time, for now, it is an anomoly, I mean honestly, who rents an apartment for their fish? That sounds completely daft. :D

I love that you can see the glow of the aquariums from the Queensway - I look every time I drive by now :D


That is so cute that you look up when you go past, do you ever see me out on the balconey having my cigarette, you will definitely have to see the reason for the glow upon your return from the land of rednecks and long skirts.

With any luck, the fish apartment will grow into a wing someday, but it may end up being in a psych ward in my head if I can't get this under some kind of control. There are fish everywhere, except the bathroom, that is set aside for cleaning filters, growing shrimp and worms for food.

The neighbour moved out, I wonder of the landlord would notice if I punched a hole in the wall and usurped the entire flat for fish tanks. Renting is slow these days, perhaps I could get away with it. ;)


I think you should do it Babble.  Rent the adjacent apartment and have some real fun :D  maybe find another 300 gallon tank.
just don't decide to crawl into it :D   you will have the award for most ever tanks in an ottawa highrise, lol.


well soil in a tank probably works good but good luck with them potatoes  ;D


WHAT!!!!! no tank in the bathroom, that was the only room I didnt check the time I came over. My wife has been talking about a tank in ours for sometime now so I put a 20G in. I have a 8' wall behind my whirlpool which is under a slanted ceiling (roofline), when I mentioned a custom 8' tank here to redbelly he wanted in on the design... I havent told Cathie yet ;)
80 corner diamond
110 short
40 cube


Tank in the bathroom ehhh... what if people are to shy and don't want to go in front of the fish ??? ;)


If one has a case of the shyness that precludes "going" in front of the fishies, one could always use the outdoor privy instead, unless of course, someone installed a pond in that one, in which case, an alternative could always be that one turns out the lights. ;)


Beowulf, Its funny you should say that cause my aunt and uncle were over from Europe last mth and my uncle mentioned something to the effect that it was the first time that he could "sit" and contemplate life while watching my sons goldfish swim in there tank. BTW it didnt seem to bother the fish one bit...
80 corner diamond
110 short
40 cube



I'm so confused fishycanuck, I keep looking at your statement and I cannot seem to suss out who would be lying, I just can't sleep nights anymore until you explain it in pictures for me, was it the fish, the uncle from Europe, the fishpassion, the beowulf, the babble, the fish again? You've got to help me out here girl, Santa won't leave me any presents if I'm wide awake, I'll only get coal or a strange gift from the cats, wouldn't that make you sad? :'(


I have chosen to answer in mime.

There, did you get it that time?


Ummmm...probably not, I have limited communication skills, and I only listen to pantomime horses, are you a pantomime horse fishycanuck? I'll listen more intently next you mime! (where is that blasted smite button...oopsy, did I just say that out loud?) :P


I would encourage all of you folks out there that haven't done so as yet to come forward and share a little about yourself, your fishes, or both, or what ever else you'd enjoy us knowing about you. It is a very long process to put faces to monikers, but this introductions has helped iron out a few of those mysteries. :) Certainly from reading throughout the site, you may well have discovered who is cranky, who is funny, who is friendly, and most importantly, who is clearly certifiably nuts. It's all good. :)


Quote from: FishPassion on December 22, 2006, 06:10:34 AM
WHAT!!!!! no tank in the bathroom, that was the only room I didnt check the time I came over. My wife has been talking about a tank in ours for sometime now so I put a 20G in. I have a 8' wall behind my whirlpool which is under a slanted ceiling (roofline), when I mentioned a custom 8' tank here to redbelly he wanted in on the design... I havent told Cathie yet ;)

Gotta get one of these:


That's cute, though I have to admit it would be weird, even for me. I suppose next there will be an acrylic bathtub tank somehow.