Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Crape Disease ???

Started by Sarah Bella, December 18, 2006, 08:31:47 AM

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Sarah Bella

it has come to my attention that a problem i've been having with particular bettas could possibly be crape disease.

I can''t find any info on this, does anyone know the common name for this disease??   It's not been fatal, but it's ugly and has so far only affected 3 fish over the past year.  I have a feeling its genetic as only 3 fish have had it but would like to know for sure. 

Can anyone shed some light??




I've done a search on this disease and the only reference I have found is one through IBC - unfortunately you have to be a member to order the paper they have on this subject (it costs 0.30).

Other than this reference, I have not found anything (other than a disease that affects grapes).

If you know an IBC member they can order this paper.


Sarah Bella

hi K :)

the disease looks like fin-rot but isn't. the fins just kinda melt away.  I've dealt with fin rot, and i've dealt with fungus and this just isn't either.  I have a feeling it is genetic and has thus far ONLY affected fish from one source.  all 3 of the males it affected were from rt spawns, 2 expressed the trait, the other one was from an rt spawn but is not rt, he is HM.  i think i've learned my lesson that rosetail is just a funky gene and really should be left alone whether the fish displays it or not. 

This is the topic of discussion on one of my lists right now, and someone was kind enuff to post this blurb which sent me on the hunt to find out more to no avail. I wish i had a microscope...  if anyone knows where i can get quinine or 37% formaldehyde solution please do tell.

Quote1.  Q. My bettas have a disease that puzzles me. The fins begin to look like melted nylon and gradually over a period of two or three weeks, they disappear. This disease seems to slow growth, as I have some babies that got the disease and although they are about nine months old, are only 1-ΒΌ inches long. Some of the drugs I have used seem to slow the disease down but none have cured it.

I have used the following: tetracycline, chloromycetin, tetramycin, aureomycin, colloidal silver iodide, malachite green, methylene blue, acriflavine neutral and penicillin. I am presently in the experimental stage, mixing some of is getting expensive.

   1. A. Although this disease, which is sometimes called crape disease, is rarely described in the literature, it is not uncommon if my mail is reliable indication. The difficulty in finding a cure rests in part on identifying the causative agent.

This is best done by microscope examination of a sample from the fins of an afflicted fish by someone with a reasonably good biological background. A doctor, veterinarian, or biology teacher should be qualified to determine weather the fins are infected by a bacterium, fungus or protozoan. When this is done, a cure can be selected.
My personal opinion, based on the drugs, which did not work, is that the agent is a ciliate protozoan. The probable genera are Irichodina, Chilodon or Scyphida. Gossington has recommended quinine at the rate of 1 grain per gallon or 4 drops per gallon of 37% formaldehyde solution.


Should be able to get formaldehyde from your Vets? and I'm sure if you talked to them about the problem they would love to have a gander at fish fins under the microscope. Even if they didn't know anything about fish new challenges are just that to the scientific inclined people. At least that's how I felt when I was a vet tech. Cheers
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


I have formaline if you want to pass by and get it. Did that delta tail ever do anything for you?

Sarah Bella

Thank for the offer, oenology :)  If i am in the neighbourhood i will let you know :)

The "delta" you speak of...  i was surprised to find out when i got him home and infront of a mirror that he was actually halfmoon (or at least VERY close to it)
I think after his fins were taken off they grew back with a 179-180degree caudal spread.  i have seen this recently in one of my homegrowns as well after he blew out his caudal courting, he was SD before and hm now.   

DISCLAIMER**I do NOT condone anyone intentionally damaging the fins of a  Super Delta in hopes of achieving Halfmoon**

J's Jack was awesome altho he never did spawn.  I think he was just too old and cranky and beat the snot out of every girl i ever put in with him (and even killed the last one).  but he was the greatest and prettiest little fish that ever graced our tank.  He passed on not long ago, less than a month. He was very fat and happy when he passed :)


Sorry to hear he didn't breed. The few babies I had from the spawn remained absolute midgets at 6 months they were still only 5mm long! So I threw them into my community tank where I think they have become food for the other inhabitants.