Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.


Started by sas, January 06, 2007, 08:58:47 PM

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Hello All, Thought I best quit procrastinating and introduce myself. I've just recently gotten back into the hobby. My first fish was a gf way back when they sold them out of the Woolworths' stores :o. I was about 5 or 6 and my sister gave it to me for Christmas, yes in a bowl, poor thing didn't last too long. I then moved on to a 20g which housed a lionhead goldfish called Fred. I had him for a few years and he succumbed to swim bladder disease :'(. What with education, working and raising a family my fish hobby took a back seat for a number of years :). Although we did get a 35g for a wedding gift and I promptly filled it with fancy goldfish :D.Then last March I fell hook line and sinker for a pair of Oscars in too small of a tank. This is about the time I started cruising the OVAS site. Well needless to say the oscars moved into new digs in April. I then bought a planted tank from a member about the same time and also filled the empty tank the oscars had been in. This is when I decided I best join the OVAS, since I was getting so much good advice. So now I'm up to 3 tanks and decide to resurrect the 35g in the attic :D. That's 4 so far and I realize I've got a bad case of MTS :-[. Two more 10s' for fry and I'm done :) there's no more spots in the house to put a tank :'(. Ah besides fish what do I like to do?.......I raise meat goats, horseback riding( we've got 3 1/2 hayburners), raise handfed parrots, grow orchids and then there's Jess the workaholic border collie. I've purchased alot of livestock and plants from people on this site and every transaction has been enjoyable and I've learned so much from everyone :). The big joke in our family is OK where are we going fishing today as we trundle off with our plastic bags or pail :D. Cheers thanks for a great site and I recommend everybody buy a membership if you can and support this group. :) Sue
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


Well I'll be digged, a goat farmer with hayburners. that is so cool. Welcome to the OVAS website and the club of course from the most verbose person on the forum. I think that would be me anyway.

Might I suggest that your level of MTS is merely being embedded at the moment, and once entrenched properly, should manifest itself truly madly and deeply. What some folks do to justify the expansion without increasing the number of tanks, is to trade up in size of tanks so it still sounds reasonable.

I'm sure you'll do both. Have fun and enjoy.


Thanks for introducing yourself, Sue :)

You forgot to mention that you have a great husband who is willing to drive all the way to Ottawa to support your hobby/addiction :D

There is no such thing as "too many fish"!


Handfed Parrots?
Please expand on this!

I've had parrots in the family from when I was a little tyke (I dont have any now but hope to again someday!) My dad has his african grey (congo) from when we bought it in Brussels Belgium in 1983...Jocko is a wonderful girl (she told us her name on the wahy home from the pet store)...I could go on and on...


Where is the mate?  Is it not G'day mate?  :D


Quote from: beowulf on January 07, 2007, 07:47:58 AM
Where is the mate?  Is it not G'day mate?  :D
Perhaps SAS doesn't see herself as Crocodile Dundee ;D  I think you would look better in the hat anyway :)


It's kind of funny because I actually watched part of it on Spike tv yesterday had not seen that movie in ages.


Thankyou for all the welcomes :)
Quote from: beowulf on January 07, 2007, 07:47:58 AM
Where is the mate?  Is it not G'day mate?  :D
Actually beowulf the saying is G'day, G'day. Sorry babblefish I know it's far from proper English :-[.
Quote from: babblefish1960 on January 06, 2007, 09:19:39 PM
Well I'll be dogged, a goat farmer with hayburners. that is so cool. Welcome to the OVAS website and the club of course from the most verbose person on the forum. I think that would be me anyway.
Yep that would be me a poor goat farmer :(. As far as you babblefish being the most verbose on the website, I thought that intro. was a pretty good example of verbal diarrhea :-[.
Quote from: PaleoFishGirl on January 06, 2007, 09:45:02 PM
Thanks for introducing yourself, Sue :)

You forgot to mention that you have a great husband who is willing to drive all the way to Ottawa to support your hobby/addiction :D
HE would be my betterhalf I would have to say :)
Quote from: groan on January 06, 2007, 11:42:50 PM
Handfed Parrots?
Please expand on this!

I've had parrots in the family from when I was a little tyke (I don't have any now but hope to again someday!) My dad has his African grey (Congo) from when we bought it in Brussels Belgium in 1983...Jocko is a wonderful girl (she told us her name on the way home from the pet store)...I could go on and on...

I must say the parrots are the second joke in our family. We have a breeding pair of amazons and they are the randiest pair going :-[. They regularly double clutch every March for us ::). The joke being we need to get some birth control for them. Guess they are a very happy pair.

Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.