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Need Advice on Yellow Labs - ASAP

Started by Saltcreep, February 06, 2007, 12:53:58 PM

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Hey gang,

I have been thrust into the world of cichlids. My fishkeeping partner thought he'd help out a co-worker who was downsizing a bit. Sunday he tells me he's "going to pick up that tank from the guy at work". Two hours later, he arrives home with about five 5g buckets of water, a 50g tank, a 25g tank, fluorescent hoods and tubes, a metal stand, a Fluval 304, three AC 150s, three heaters, some decorations, fake plants and rocks and, another 5g bucket brimming with fish. There have to be at least 10 about 3" long, another 10 or so about 1.5" long, a couple of youngsters about an inch long and a few babies that are only about 3/4" long. Most seem to be Yellow Labs but, there are a couple of bluish ones too. I'm guessing there are probably going to be more before there are fewer too.

We managed to jam the tank in between two others and filled it with the original water. Topped it off with treated tap water. The survival rate was pretty good, I think, given the conditions. We only lost two. So far, things seem OK. They are really skittish and seem very involved in what's happening around the room. Feeding doesn't seem to be a problem. They appear greedy and readily accept pellets and flake. The little guys eat the flake food if I grind it up small.

Emergency research (what would we do without the internet?) on Sunday got me this far.

Hard and very clean water, plenty of rocks and hiding places, good water flow. Except for the rocks, we've been doing alright to this point.

Is there anything else we absolutely must do or provide for them in the short term? I say in the short term because this tank will definitely have to be moved soon. And there's no way I'm paying by the pound for rocks I can pick up free in the Spring.

BTW - I suspect that the fishkeeping buddy will, someday become my son-in-law, so throwing him out is not an option.  I just gotta slow him down some. Or, put on another addition. This makes 10 operating tanks in the fishroom. ;D



hmmm...well you can throw in pretty much anything aquarium safe for them to hide in and around, faek decoration, clay pots.  also, get them some food specifically for cichlids if you don't already have any.  and um, good luck.  :)
Tanks: salty nano cube, working on a fresh 125

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.  So love the people who treat you right.  Forget about the one's who don't.  Believe everything happens for a reason.  If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.  If it changes your life, let it.  Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.


You know if he's going to keep behaving in this way, it won't ease up if he ever marries your daughter, they never go away. ;)

Yellow labs are like the guppies of the rift lakes, they're yellow so all the other fish can find them to eat, and they breed prolifically to stay ahead of the local diner requirements.

Roxydog is quite right, heck, you could even fill the tank with mason jars, almost anything will work, as long as they can hide.

Good luck on both fronts, the labs and the boyfriend.


Quote from: babblefish1960 on February 06, 2007, 02:23:04 PM
You know if he's going to keep behaving in this way, it won't ease up if he ever marries your daughter, they never go away. ;)

Actually, he's probably a keeper. He's training to be an electrician and has already basically re-wired my basement and fishroom, not to mention the work he's done at the cottage. Converted all my T12 fluorescents to T8s. He has boundless energy. Plus, he picked up all that stuff for less than $200.


Well then, now that that is settled, you only have your african guppies to worry about now. ;)