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idee fixe, the science of obsession

Started by babblefish1960, February 09, 2007, 10:27:38 AM

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The reality of obsession -- its incessant return to the same few themes, scenarios and questions; its meticulous examination and re-examination of banal minutiae for hidden meanings that simply aren't there; the cancerous way an idee fixe usurps other, more interesting thoughts -- is that it is confining, not rebellious, and not fascinating but maddeningly dull.

Just a small thought as to how we transform otherwise dull boxes we live in to verdant wet pastures of lively and living beings into a fixation within our minds as more important than even relationships at times.

Heck, some of us have been known to hide in amongst our fish hobby to avoid yet another uncomfortable evening of awkward silence with our spouses or seriously lame conversations with visiting relatives.

Some folks will never "get us" as we sit amiably observing behaviour from tiny fishes hours upon end, performing scientific testing of water parameters, even though science grades may have been lousy during school years. Just as we may not "get" the odd quirks of friends and strangers as they poke pins and needles into their tongues and eyes for the sake of fashion, or anti-fashion or whatever.

Fish keeping is such a cool obsession, it makes us acutely aware of micro-ecosystems and micro-climates and environmental impacts first hand of the methodology of keeping critters out of their own environment and create a bubble of space just for them. (albeit, some people really do swim with their own fishes, I knew a fellow in California who built an aquarium in his garage that he could actually swim in, it was huge)

So the curiosity for me would have to be one of when did you know it was more than a mere decoration in a lounge or living room, and become something that focuses your thoughts on a daily basis, concerned for your fish, excited about going to pick up that special fish you saw somewhere or ordered somewhere else? Where was the turning point from the lovely bucolic past-time to the onset of a deep seated desire to claim more of the living space for those creatures of your dreams?

If you can recall the moment that kernel of obsession reared its ugly head and started you down the path of aquatic doom and giant expenditures as you buy and plan houses with a view to more fish tanks, give it a go and let us all know what to watch out for. ;)


Hmmm... somewhere around the fourth tank, I guess.... and being barred from entering any LFS by my family.  >:(


When I embarked on the journey to understanding the SW aquarium, to which I owe the people here at OVAS for setting me upon.

I had studied some of the world of micro organisms with relation to plant biology during four years of Horticultural College. But as I began to crack open the healed-over egg of knowledge for this new realm of the hobby many things poured out both old and new.

I can sit for an hour or more gazing at pulsing corals and skittering copopods. Exotic snails moving slowly across the algae coated walls rasping their food. Little fan worms flicking in and out, tiny transperant shrimp weaving through the calcareous maze of tubes. Out go the lights and slowly fragile glasslike appendages extend to feed in the swaying current. Tiny mouths appear in the cotton-candy-like puffiness of a large poloyp stoey coral. A big eyed nocturnal fish, lunges at some morsel unseen by my eyes. The substrate heaves as something big crawls past in the depths of sand.

There is so much going on in there I will never know it all in my lifetime, and thats OK with me  :)


My first great obsession was computers.  It started young, around the age of 9 I think.  I got my first one at 12, and it's grown into my career.  After so many years, so many burned out brain cells, so much coding, I eventually had a small crisis one day when meeting a friend I hadn't seen in some time, and realizing I had not much to talk about other than computer stuff.  I decided I needed more interests in my life and spread out in many directions, looking for that next thing.

Many things became either temporary or smaller-scale hobbies, buying my first house made it easy to get into building things.  I am a technical person but I wanted a hobby that was somehow.  Something where you could have all the technical parameters in perfect alignment 10 times and get 10 different results.  And once my first tank was here, it was obvious it would grow.  It's my wife's fault; she let me have that second tank for the first batch of fry and it hasn't stopped.

Once the fish wall was even discussed I knew it was an obsession.  I had hooked up with OVAS, met SOOOO many other fish people, started "buying from breeders" and "importing" my fish rather than getting them from the LFS, and on and on.  My wonderful wife lets it all happen, happy to watch the results without having to do the work :)

For me, the fish satisfy so many ranges of scientific knowledge, and give me a certain thrill of discovery I haven't felt in a long time.  I've found that getting a new fish, learning about it, watching it interact with the little community I've built is just so cool...and then someone comes along and actually asks me about it, and that's even more fun.  The little hobby intended to be something to spend some quiet evenings doing, has turned into something remarkably social.  I probably talk to more fish people on a regular basis than computer people!

I've tried to do saltwater but it's not for me.  I like my fish too much, I don't think I could do a large tank with only a few of them.


FOr me fish keeping and breeding is certainly an obsession. I thought I was kind of over it while I was in France for 3 months and was able to cut down the number of tanks quite drastically, quite easily. But now I'm down to my absolute favorites and pining for the ones I sold (Fronts and a tropheus colony) so much so that I think I'm going to buy back half my colony! But I must cut down the number...but who wants to lose volume - BIGGER TANKS that's the ticket!!! Picking one up this Sunday... Am I obsessed? Yes.


Barred from entering LFS's, that's funny fishycanuck, 4th tank eh? What had you purchase the 4th tank? ;)

You can't really blame OVAS KM, it is a choice right up until the moment pf crossing the line in your own head, but I would agree wholeheartedly about staring into the tank and always seeing something new, the beauty of living and evolving aquariums I guess. :)

Darkdepness sir, it is more than a little amusing to see the shift in socializing from geeky computer freaks to freaky fish geeks, at least you can always talk to the fish. ;) That is so cool that your wife is complicit in your obsession, a rare find in any hobby. ;D

I wouldn't say you were obsessed oenology, I would call it more a skill in animal husbandry expressed through the scientific curiosity of genetics and maternal instincts regarding your progeny. :D Shifting to larger tanks is definitely the ticket, then you could say that you went from 11 so-so sizes to say, 6-300 gallon tanks, a marked improvement if you ask me. Alright, you're obsessed. :D

For me, my first large tank seemed to be a turning point, it was a custom 8 footer that was 2 feet deep and 3 feet front to back, I had oscars in there with a black and red and white channel cat whose name escapes me. I suddenly became aware that it was not enough, my wife however, noticed around the time I built a pond outside in the shape of the great lakes that was 6 feet deep in the middle, though everyone loved the 3 foot koi.

The problem was that I would spend time looking into the 8 footer from an end and imagine having a tank large enough to be that width front to back, and deep enough to let swords flourish properly, as you can hear, I am so not done with this, I currently stare down the length of the 13 feet I have now and wonder. Hmmm...perhaps if I closed off a wing and flooded it. :D


 the obession started off with a 10 gallon tank, and then I KNEW I had to have plecos when one scared the living daylights out of me by jumping out of a puddle of muddy water in the basement...I went from 1 tank to 40 tanks in just a couple years, and when I moved I went to 0 for a few months and then up to 6, and now down to 2 due to the dh banning the others (though I always manage to weasel in something!) I would so love to have another 75 gallon tank, but alas, I'm limited to 2 tanks....I'm hoping the dh will soon become obsessed as I am by my little worlds and the unique daily tasks the fish perform, their little quirks, their obsessions and everything that happens in this little body of water.
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


I have to ask nerine, was this the Canadian basement plecostamus of muddy puddles, or did it arrive there by some other means? :)

You know, that if you come to the Giant Auction on the 5th of March, and buy some raffle tickets, there could be a very good chance that you could WIN a 75 gallon tank, brand new, for the cost of a raffle ticket. The dh could never refuse something as lovely as that as a freebie, I'm sure he'd even carry it home for you and set it up. ;)


The fourth tank has a good story to go with it.
Last year, I swam in the Arthritis Big Swim, to raise money for the Arthritis Society. I pestered everyone I knew, asking for sponsorship. One of my freaky friends from another fishy forum made me an incredible offer - she would give me her 40G tank, with stand, all fittings, and fish, if I made a donation in her name to the Arthritis Society for $100. I had to drive to Montreal to take it down with her, but what a deal! I got a great, ready-made community, the AS got some money, and she gets a nice tax receipt.
The DH could hardly refuse such logic  ???


For me aquariums are just one of my many obsessions, if you include wood working, pen making, wine making, guitar building, vinyl records collecting. You could say I'm a pretty obsess guy. They I got married and then got obsess with my wife. Then I got a little obsess with him!

My wife is always telling me that I have to many obsessions....I guess she is right!

She only as one obsession..................................managing my obsessions!!!

Adam least I'm not spending my money on drugs and guns...

150 Gallon Mbuna: 2 M. baliodigma, 5 Ps. sp. "Deep Magunga", 3 L. caeruleus, 3 Ps. demasoni, 1 P. Spilotonus 'Albino Taiwan Reef', 2 C. afra "Cobue", 2 Ancistrus sp.-144, 5 Ps. Acei, 1 Albino Ancistrus spp. L-144, Various fry

20 Gallon Long Reef: 1 Gramma melacara, 1 Pseudocheilinus hexataenia, 2 Lysmata amboinensis, 2 Lysmata wurdemanni, snails, hermits, crabs, mushrooms, SPS, rare zoanthids, palythoas, ricordea, favites, cloves, acans, candycanes leathers


Quote from: Adam on February 15, 2007, 04:09:02 PM least I'm not spending my money on drugs and guns...


That's what you say


Quote from: Adam on February 15, 2007, 04:09:02 PM least I'm not spending my money on drugs and guns...


ok where do you get guns and drugs for free??   just let me in on your little secret and i will never tell anyone :-X

ok so i like free stuff  ;D


Quote from: PoisonJello on February 15, 2007, 04:53:08 PM
ok where do you get guns and drugs for free??   just let me in on your little secret and i will never tell anyone :-X

ok so i like free stuff  ;D

PM sent  :D
150 Gallon Mbuna: 2 M. baliodigma, 5 Ps. sp. "Deep Magunga", 3 L. caeruleus, 3 Ps. demasoni, 1 P. Spilotonus 'Albino Taiwan Reef', 2 C. afra "Cobue", 2 Ancistrus sp.-144, 5 Ps. Acei, 1 Albino Ancistrus spp. L-144, Various fry

20 Gallon Long Reef: 1 Gramma melacara, 1 Pseudocheilinus hexataenia, 2 Lysmata amboinensis, 2 Lysmata wurdemanni, snails, hermits, crabs, mushrooms, SPS, rare zoanthids, palythoas, ricordea, favites, cloves, acans, candycanes leathers


haha dh can indeed refuse free things LOL
he almost refused the 55...but I had it into the house and set up before he could blink ;)
but I will buy a raffle ticket...maybe I can say I will trade the 55 for the 75...
as for carrying the obsession, my problem!! just ask Cora HAHA we moved the 75 in the dead of winter to get it to my house and we also both moved the tanks alone when I moved to this place. She is very very happy that I have renewed my lease so she doesn't have to come over and move my tanks yet again ;)

and no this wasn't a cold canadian basement ;)
I lived on a tiny island that constantly flooded, and the poor pleco just got lost in the shuffle!
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


Tonight I offered my wife another dog if she'd let me extend my fish wall further. THAT'S obsession (I don't really like dogs much).


Nerine, you lived where plecos paddle around your feet? Cool. :)

APW, I can't believe you would stoop to bargaining and bribes, but hey, whatever works when it comes to fish. :)

A cute little aquarium followed me home from Kanata, thanks mseguin, and I couldn't believe the incredulous comments about "where was I going to put it", like that never gets figured out. sheesh, it was really cute though, how could I say no? :D