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What do you think?

Started by busdriver, February 09, 2007, 02:45:25 PM

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What do you think about these for my new 150 gal. :D :D ;D

[attachment deleted by admin]
Like PFG says "I miss this place and all the people associated with it."


So you are going cold I mean so cold they don't exist  :D

White Lightning


I would never presume to make personal comments on a persons personal choices, even if they listened to Michael Bolton's music.  :)

If you would love a tank that majestically large to be occupied with fancy goldfish, and that is what you would really enjoy, then by all means, enjoy them. I am sure there are many proponents of the carp that would applaud your choice, as we all would should that be what you wish to enjoy.

Having said that, you did ask what we think. Are you at all interested in plants in this tank, if so, like African cichlids, the venerable goldfish won't really allow you to keep plants, they eat them, shred them and otherwise uproot them to suit their own idea of what the tank should look like, much like ducks and geese would, and with the same amount of effluence remaining to keep the water dirty.

To be able to keep plants, you are really looking at species from Asia, West Africa, Central and South America.

Do you enjoy the little fishes darting around the tank, or are you preferring some of the larger fish? Take your time, have a look around, with the size of tank you have (150g) you are open to a great many possibilities. What do you like to watch your fish doing? Darting about quickly, cruising tirelessly, prodigiously working at all of the tank surfaces, or gliding majestically?

What you prefer to watch in your time to wind down has a lot to do with what sort of fish types you will really enjoy spending time with.

To put it another way, if you like to jog for an hour each day, you would enjoy a German Shepherd, if you like to perambulate down the path slowly, you may prefer a Saint Bernard, if you like to have a dog on your lap like a cat, then neither of these are good choices, though admittedly, the dogs won't see the problem. ;)

It comes back to you Mr. Busdriver, what sort of fish person are you? When you have taken a good look at what sort of fish activities you like to observe, then your choice will be much easier.


From a person who is owned by discus, angels, loaches, swords, corys, oscars, koi and goldfish, I say fill your boots! The fish world is filled with diverse personalities and even the koi and goldfish are a joy to watch! Have fun with your choices :).
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


Quotegoldfish won't really allow you to keep plants, they eat them

SO not true.  I maintain a planted goldfish tank with no problems.  Roxydog did as well.  Check out and you will see that MANY people are able to keep goldfish in a planted tank.
That said, it does depend somewhat on the personality of the goldfish.

If I could have a 150g aquarium, you can bet your bottom dollar that it would house 15 of the most gorgeous goldfish I'd ever lay my eyes on!




I'm really sorry if I offended anyone, I put this picture here as a joke, it is actually my screen saver on my computer. I guess the joke backfired. :-[ :-[
Like PFG says "I miss this place and all the people associated with it."


Not really terry, it made for some interesting discussion, and you little rascal, you got some of us going rather well, you can be such a card, no wonder the dog giggles like he does.

Good luck with your choices smarty pants, and let us know how your tank goes with the new screen saver. :D


Am I the only one that was not fooled  :P  Nothing against the goldfish but I pretty sure he is going with the discus  ;)


hahahaha thats funny, but the little green light @ bottom right made me think abit lol  ;D


Heh, I knew it was a screensaver... I have the trial version  :P but I was hoping there was another goldfish enthusiast in our midst....  :D

White Lightning

I am a fan of goldfish but if I had 150 gallon tank, I think I would have to go with something else besides goldfish. I think I would go with some flowerhorns. I know...I know... they are "man made" but they are really nice looking fish.


Give me goldies any day!  8)

I have this screen saver, too.  I love the bubbling sounds and watching the little guys waggle around  :)


You are a silly Crumpet, I imagine they are happy little goldies! ;)

See what you started busboy, you big silly, now I suppose that you could always put goldfish into that tank if you like, but then we'd have to make fun of you. If for no other reason than to get the goldfish fanatic's dander up. I for one had many goldfish for many years, but never really got into the bubble eye, it just takes mutation a little too far for my comfort. Koi, now there is a fascinating bunch of fish, meant to be viewed from above, I don't recall any longer the Japanese names, but they have one for each colour arrangement as viewed from above. Mine were accustomed to eating from my hands, they were fun, they would come up and rub against my legs just like the cats.

As for putting a monitor in your tank, I'm not sure how long it would work before the algae made the screen unviewable. ;D


 ;D ;D ;D
Funniest thread I have seen! :P


Dad... If you put goldfish in that big tank, I will come over there and steal it from you...
:D :D :D


You go girl, you tell that ornery old soul, besides, if you bat your eyes and remind busdriver of his responsibility to your future happiness, you might just get the tank. ;)

White Lightning

So Mr. Bus driver..... have you made any decisions as to what fish you are going to putt inthat tank of yours. The suspense is killing me.