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BA Frustrations

Started by Plum, February 11, 2007, 08:19:26 PM

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I read all these posts and wonder if I am going to the same BA's.  Maybe because I am more forward and go up and ask for help but I never seem to wait long.  I do find the service in Montreal a little faster but they seem to keep more people on staff (often 6-7 in the fishroom).


Hey Zoe, nobody is forcing you to shop at Innes. :)
If you are unhappy with the service,  pick up the phone and dial 613-244-3474 and ask for Jody, Owen or Karen.  Neither of those 3, who are in Managerial positions, check this Forum.
Bashing the store on here isn't going to help.


I've always been treated well in both stores.

My worst experience I purchased an t5 aqualight (When they first came out) for my in wall tank and one of the bulb blew (10k t5) Coralife had it backordered for 3 weeks and it still did not come in, so Ba Kanata got anohter unit transfered from the other store and gave me the bulb out of the unit so that I could not be without light any longer. BA did everything in there power to take care of me. They can't control there suppliers so I give them a thumbs Up!



this is just going downhill with every new post.
Can we call this beaten horse dead and maybe post nice stories?

here's one

I've never had an issue at any fish store i have purchased from! It's true!
If they dont have what i want, i go to the next one or get them to order it!

anyways, i think this thread has served it's purpose.


Quote from: artw on February 12, 2007, 01:12:33 PM
Well let me try to touch on that.  I better put on my fire retardant suit since I am BA employee.

We are never "standing around" doing nothing.  There is always plenty of work to do, if its not helping customers its scraping algae or sweeping the floor.  Those people "standing around" behind the cash or more than likely on a break, were called up to the front for various reasons, or coming and going from the store.  You have to remember that not every employee is trained on cash.  There are times I am at the front, alone, and customers come up to me and expect me to start operating the cash.  well its not as simple as taking and receiving money, so I need to page Owen or someone up to the cash.

I hope you didnt feel offended at my comment mentionning that people are usually sitting at the cash area. The staff always do a good job and that is not the problem at hand.  I understand that it is cold/flu season, but management should try to have more staff on hand if this is such a regular occurence. Also, as mentionned by a previous poster, if employees aren't working they probably should not be hanging out at the cash while people are waiting.

I am used to going at BA Inness at slower periods (usually around 730-8 on weekdays) and even though there is only 2-3 other customer groups in the store (which isnt what I would call busy), I end up waiting and having to walk over to the cash to get someone to help me in the fishroom.

I understand that you probably have nothing to do with hiring or management of the store and I appreciate the tips on how to help you guys out... I'm just surprised that managment hasn't done anything to address any of it! (Maybe they don't see a problem, but to me, I'm sure they have lost a few hundred dollars in business from my part, and i'm surely not the only one).


Quote from: groan on February 12, 2007, 02:13:08 PM
this is just going downhill with every new post.
Can we call this beaten horse dead and maybe post nice stories?

here's one

I've never had an issue at any fish store i have purchased from! It's true!
If they dont have what i want, i go to the next one or get them to order it!

anyways, i think this thread has served it's purpose.

I agree I think people have had time to let their frustration out might be time to lock this one.


Maybe I missed something but I don't see any bashing or anyone getting overly frustrated... just people sharing their experiences at local fish stores?  If people are getting upset then indeed it might be advisable to just forbid these types of threads being posted, but I don't see anything wrong with people sharing their experiences, be they negative or positive.
I know that no one is forcing me to shop there, art, and I know that posting here isn't going to result in perfect service the next time I go to BA.  If I am disapointed in the service I receive at BA Innes, it has nothing to do with me bashing the store - it's just the way it goes at that particular store.


moderator note:  I was gonna lock this, but really, I like people to be able to express their opinion, and so far it's not gotten really bad in my view...but let's not beat any dead horses.  you got something new to add, knock yourself out (this isn't directed at anyone in particular) otherwise, just read, and um, enjoy?   :D
Tanks: salty nano cube, working on a fresh 125

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.  So love the people who treat you right.  Forget about the one's who don't.  Believe everything happens for a reason.  If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.  If it changes your life, let it.  Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.


I have to agree - it seems like every once in a while you guys just need to get this out of your system :)


I'd like to say one word. SUPERPETS! OOPS thats 2 words.
I was totally blown away by the store and service in the new store on INNES. ;)


Yeah that new Super Pet is awesome. There's only weird fish guy though  ;D he's nice as pie but he likes to argue with me over weird stuff.
I'm always impressed by their set ups though, all the plants they have in their tanks.  I've noticed that some of their "bread and butter" fish seem to be slightly lower in quality compared to their larger fish, though.  I have to say I love their angels and discus, although any adult fish cost -eep- a fortune (why did I buy a 20$ angelfish?  I don't know, I loved him he's so pretty!)


I havent been in fish keeping for very long, but I have visited every fish store in the Ottawa area with the excpetion of SP Innes (which I have plans to hit this sunday). I have never had any realy issues with any fish store. Sometimes it takes a while to get my fish, but I cant blame them. I would prefer to get the information I need and spend an hour waiting to spend 1$ on a fish then get the wrong info (or not enough) and end up with a sick/dead fish. I will say they SHOULD have a cap or limit advertised, from what I know it isn't required. With a 150km drive, I would ask everything. For all you know they were really busy and he/she wasnt thinking straight and they forgot to mention it. I work at SP Barrhaven in the reptiles department (I help in fish on many occasions), and there are days when its hard to walk there are so many people waiting for fish.  I try and be as helpful as possible. I will never rush with one customer to get to the next. When there is a phone call, 90% of the time I have someone trying to talk to me thats in the store at the same time. It happens, and if you want to make a complaint I recommend you just go talk to/call the manager and let him know about your so called "rough" experience and go from there.


I agree, with good discussion comes good ideas.  I might possibly raise the idea of getting a "take a number" system, similar to the stores in Toronto, at the staff meeting this weekend



we'll call it the "Groan, Take a Number" system. or how about,  "Take a number and Groan".  LOL


LOL depending on what number you get.... If i was number 100,001 and you just called 1 I think I might Groan a bit, good idea though guys... I work in the hotels and one of my favorite saying that I learned and it the Farmont moto  is come to me with solutions not problems.... in other words if can't think of a wau to fix it or a sulution to the problem ...... well you get the point good idea Artw and Groan

P.S. even if I do have to wait 10 min I like looking at the fish...mmm and it gets me out/away for work and the house....

90 gallon/ 90 gallon sump all male show tank, 75g Accie, 75g masoni reef alonacara, yellow lab and trio of flame backs, 75 gal tawain reef, 75 gal bi500, red shoulder, blue regal,
40 gal breeder  F1 electric blue frierei, 25 gal sunshine peacock males awaiting females, 20 gallon trio albino pleco, 65gal neolamprongus Brachardi pulcher 2 30g fry grow out, 20g hatchery with 4 batches of eggs currently
Starting on a fish wall for breeding more coming soon!


well took awhile and was an interesting read, the likes and dislikes (complaints) no matter where you shop everyone will have a different experience in any store, I think Big Al's, SuperPet, PetSmart are all great stores I prefer the BA in point clarie for prices and service. as for the stores one innes BA service was fair, PS slow but friendly and helpful, SP service was sort of none exsistant but maybe at a different time of day it would have been great
really I have 2 little complaints but not a big deal, at BA innes I tried to return something I bought at BA in point claire (I live in cornwall and was in ottawa that day) they told me I couldn't return it to there store, I thought that was a bit weird cause it is still a BA store but oh well it was only a $10 item, I wasn't able to make it to the BA in Point Claire until about a month later and they still let me return the item, so that was a good thing (it was around 50 days since i bought it and was told they have a 30 policy on returns) the only part i didn't like was they give me store credit which is fine but it is given on a piece of paper and i was told they have no way to track the credit so if i loose the paper my money is gone (not really a good way to give store credit)

Thats my complaints  ;D


my turn to tell my opinion. i have had alot of neg and possitive experience at ba's. im not going to lie i got banned on aquaria canada for telling my experience. mind you i did go over board. but that is because of the kind of people that take everything personally on forums. telling your experience online is NOT BASHING. and i cant wait until people get that threw their heads. its voicing our opinions. none the less there is a way to do it. and i did cross that line. but in all honesty i dont care that i got banned. if voicing my opinion gets me banned so be it. i would much rather read the good and bad experiences then have to live some bad ones myself. but in all honesty my wife always gets good service. maybe because i look mean lol.


Yes, you should definitely send your wife in to do the shopping, especially when you're making major purchases! ;)


Quote from: Jesse on February 12, 2007, 03:20:07 PM
I havent been in fish keeping for very long, but I have visited every fish store in the Ottawa area with the excpetion of SP Innes (which I have plans to hit this sunday). I have never had any realy issues with any fish store. Sometimes it takes a while to get my fish, but I cant blame them. I would prefer to get the information I need and spend an hour waiting to spend 1$ on a fish then get the wrong info (or not enough) and end up with a sick/dead fish. I will say they SHOULD have a cap or limit advertised, from what I know it isn't required. With a 150km drive, I would ask everything. For all you know they were really busy and he/she wasnt thinking straight and they forgot to mention it. I work at SP Barrhaven in the reptiles department (I help in fish on many occasions), and there are days when its hard to walk there are so many people waiting for fish.  I try and be as helpful as possible. I will never rush with one customer to get to the next. When there is a phone call, 90% of the time I have someone trying to talk to me thats in the store at the same time. It happens, and if you want to make a complaint I recommend you just go talk to/call the manager and let him know about your so called "rough" experience and go from there.

Ya.. my mistake. I should take into account i guess that they are understaffed. Throw out my rights as a consumer. Ya, maybe they forgot on the phone call. Gee, I guess they forgot also when writing the advertised price on the tank. Must be someone sick. Really - as mentioned, I have no sympathy. If you can't run an establishment. See youlater.

Here, this is my only real point, perhaps putting it this way will clarify- Future shop tells you they got a sale on plasma television - $1000. GREAT! I am going to pick up 5 of those all for my family! Hey! I am done christmas shopping early. You head there to pick it up, and oh.... sorry. There is a cap. No where is such cap advertised. But, there it is. If you would like to pick more up, you have to pay $1499 for each one thereafter.

It is the same thing, and the same percentage increase. $.67 to $100 is just above 49%.

Yes, some people say they are not sure whether there are laws etc.... check the link i posted. Misleading, false advertising, it is not just frowned upon, it is against the law. If you have a sale with conditions... stipulate them. Not all consumers are going to be touchy feely about the situation, and feel bad as people have been sick or understand becauseit is apparently low margin.

I really don't care. Stick by the laws, provide good service. It is clear that it was a mistake, not a wise business move. It could have all been avoided had someone, or some people done job right.