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BA Frustrations

Started by Plum, February 11, 2007, 08:19:26 PM

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Ok let's not let this devolve into personal insults please


what ever if that is considered an insult you can ban me to I realy don't care...
90 gallon/ 90 gallon sump all male show tank, 75g Accie, 75g masoni reef alonacara, yellow lab and trio of flame backs, 75 gal tawain reef, 75 gal bi500, red shoulder, blue regal,
40 gal breeder  F1 electric blue frierei, 25 gal sunshine peacock males awaiting females, 20 gallon trio albino pleco, 65gal neolamprongus Brachardi pulcher 2 30g fry grow out, 20g hatchery with 4 batches of eggs currently
Starting on a fish wall for breeding more coming soon!


I'm not saying it was I'm saying let's keep it in line


Quote from: sniggir on February 11, 2007, 11:03:17 PM
.... and what might I ask do you deal in if you are sayingg boo hoo, so if that is the general mentality we won't have LFS any more have fun then

I don't really understand exactly what you're saying here, even after reading it a few times. It could be interpreted as being vaguely insulting, because it is rather unclear.  Perhaps you could explain it, so that it is not being misinterpreted.


Wow, I am really surprised. As can be seen, this is the first time I have ever voiced my displeasures. Search my posts, as there won't be all that many, but I am certain.

Too bad that my topic is viewed so negatively. I know that in my sales job, if I had promised a customer, advertised etc.. and did not honour it. I would be out of a job. Plain and simple. As in sales, you are esentially in business for yourself, you live and die by what your reputation is.

Good people follow this. My actions are those of an obvious loyal customer, if not, i would not have gone out of my way. But to have the experience I did, I was not too impressed.

Perhaps some of you view it as a negative. But in my business it is a positive for me to get such feedback, as if I am missing something in my presentation, I can shore up on such weekness. Perhaps it should not be viewed so negatively. It is the opportunity for the operation to shore up on such weaknesses.

In short - the staff could not communicate the conditions of this loss leader, nor could they convey such on the advertising on the tank.

I am a consumer, and should not have to undergo such. We even have laws that protect consumers. Perhaps bait and switch is not the proper term, but it is certainly false advertising. Case in point.

Sorry you feel i am bashing them. Resort to insults or your views, I just voicing that I did not feel it is right, and wondered if anyone has experienced the same. So far all I have heard are opinions that are negative towards such a thread, and stray away from this simple point.


See the thing is, posting on here doesn't really count as feedback. There's the odd chance someone from the store might read this, but mostly, posting complaints (legitimate or not) tends to look more like bashing than writing a letter to the company itself, calling the manager, or whatever.


Quote from: sniggir on February 11, 2007, 11:17:07 PM
what ever if that is considered an insult you can ban me to I realy don't care...

The execs and webmasters do a lot of work for this group, show a little respect.


Quote from: mseguin on February 11, 2007, 11:50:37 PM
See the thing is, posting on here doesn't really count as feedback. There's the odd chance someone from the store might read this, but mostly, posting complaints (legitimate or not) tends to look more like bashing than writing a letter to the company itself, calling the manager, or whatever.

Good point. I just expect better from a business. I don't feel that a consumer must run up the chain just to receive proper service. It is a competitve business in retail, and I will just take my dollars elsewhere.  A good business makes the right decisions quickly, no matter how small, right away, and should have the correct people in place to be able to do that.

Unfortunatly same store sales are usually the only way a business figures out that things are not running as smoothly as possible, and that is one year later, as this is the measuring stick used by all retail establishments, and that is a year later. A bit late I would say.


I've been going to BA Bell's Corners and then BA Kanata for 14 years now...I've never had a problem with them.  The last boxing week sale, the store manager offered to order in anything I wanted at sale price, which was great because I didn't want a floor model.  When some multies I wanted hid in their shells, I got the shells with them for free.  And the best part is that the staff is educated...I can't just walk out of there with an oscar in a bag and a 5.5 gallon aquarium in the other arm hoping I can get home and set it up so I can get my new friend in there before dinnertime. 

Of course, some of the things I would like changed would be the giant BGA carpets in some of their FO SW aquariums, really BGA in general.  But customer service has been good...and I would take the 9 platies and have way too many in a few months.

150 Gallon Mbuna: 2 M. baliodigma, 5 Ps. sp. "Deep Magunga", 3 L. caeruleus, 3 Ps. demasoni, 1 P. Spilotonus 'Albino Taiwan Reef', 2 C. afra "Cobue", 2 Ancistrus sp.-144, 5 Ps. Acei, 1 Albino Ancistrus spp. L-144, Various fry

20 Gallon Long Reef: 1 Gramma melacara, 1 Pseudocheilinus hexataenia, 2 Lysmata amboinensis, 2 Lysmata wurdemanni, snails, hermits, crabs, mushrooms, SPS, rare zoanthids, palythoas, ricordea, favites, cloves, acans, candycanes leathers


I'd have to say that they are good on returns/exchange (client not satisfied with a purchase but no refunds  :D) I also noticed that you dont get good service there @ BS's Innis, no smile just kinds of, thank you/good bye kinda thing and no chatting. They are kinda in a rush tu serve ya and get rid of ya. I loved the service @ Superpet on Innis and not affraid to chat with ya at all. kinda happy to give you service etc...


Just to add something again, you're also looking at this from a single point of view. You say its bad business to risk losing your money. On the other hand, if yuo had gotten the 40 platies, they risk having the next 10 customers be angry because they didn't get the platies that advertised at all. So saying it was bad customer service might be looking at it from a centric point of view. Customer service isn't easy, you can't please everyone all the time, no matter how hard you try. Sometimes you just try to please the most people possible.


Quote from: murgus on February 11, 2007, 09:37:21 PM
Just to offer a good experience had at a BA - these are seldom heard.

I went to BA-Innes to get a pajama cardinal (SW - see my gallery) which they had on sale for 12.99.  Unfortunately it was a weekend sale and I arrived Monday.  The sale sign was still on the tank but when I got to the cash, I was charged full price (19.99 I think).  I remarked I was surprised as I thought they were on sale and the nice lady at the cash told me the sale ended yesterday.  I then replied, "that's too bad, I saw the sign and thought they were on sale".  I was fully prepared to pay the 20 bucks.  She called back to the fishroom, confirmed that the sign was up and gave me the sale price!  Great customer service and I will go back most definitely.


I am not 100% sure about Ontario but I know in Quebec that is the law, you have something advertised at a certain price and it is more expensive you have to give it at the cheaper price.  Actually in Quebec if the item is 10$ or under the retailer must give it to you for free and if it over they must give you a 10% discount.


I'll throw in my 2 cents.  I've spent time working retail (I think everyone should; it really gives you perspective), I have run several businesses, and have now had the experience of running a (tiny) aquatic supplies business.

First of all, margin on aquatic products is good margin.  Don't kid yourself into believing the fish stores are running on thin margins.  Go sell computers; then you'll know what "thin margin" is. 

Now, that being said, I think the margins in the aquatic business are VERY VERY fair.  Especially when it comes to fish.  Yes, the fish at LFS are expensive; but it's for a reason.  They offer you the convenience of coming in to pick out the fish you want.  LFS' have to deal with the costs of shipping (massive), the cost of losses (massive), and the cost of housing while you go home to decide.  Then there's the need to generate some profit so the store stays open.  Man, I'm surprised fish are as cheap as they are.

I agree with Matt; going in all fire and brimstone to a retail employee may make you feel better, but it's not going to get you anywhere.  If you've never worked retail, you just cannot imagine the crap you take.  I once read a list of the top 20 most stressful jobs in existance; "retail sales" was #2 on that list (Since you'll ask, Air Traffic Controller was #1).

Should the store have advertised the cap?  Probably.  I often see caps in the grocery store flyers but not always; I sometimes find them on the sign once I get to the store.  A cap on RARE fish I would understand, but it does seem a little weird to have one on Platties. 

Lots of people will agree with you on the "BA Staff standing around chatting while you need help" scenario, I've experienced it many times myself.  That being said, I've never received bad service when I ASKED for help.  Bad advice once or twice, but really, if you're not doing your fish research before buying that's really your fault :)

Anyway, I guess my overall point is just one of take care of yourself; ask all the relevant questions ahead of time.  If I'm driving from afar I'll call and reserve items ahead of time.


Plum - I'm sorry you had a bad experience. I hope you change your mind and write down your experiences in a letter to the store manager, cc to head office, and then "vote with your feet".  I hope that in the future, you call ahead to enquire about availability and caps. I hope that in the future, stores do a better job advertising same.

I've had good service, I've had bad service. Sometimes when I go to a store, I want to browse in peace. Other times, I want staff to approach me and offer to help. I've worked in retail and quite sure I sucked at it. Now I'm in health care, and fortunately, the Christmas cards outweigh the physical threats I receive.

Plum is quite right to vent - and those of you who stoop to insult, just like to stir things up.


I was in BA Kanata on Saturday and the guy who helped me was great.  And I told the mgr that too.  :) 

Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad.  *shrug*  Kinda like everything else is life.  ;) 
Tanks: salty nano cube, working on a fresh 125

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.  So love the people who treat you right.  Forget about the one's who don't.  Believe everything happens for a reason.  If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.  If it changes your life, let it.  Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.


I work at AS Innes and I've never heard of a cap on fish.  but I've only been there since November.  its more than likely a policy the Kanata store had in place that one time.  Everyone makes mistakes, we are only human.   With regards to working Retail, I agree with Darkdep this is my first retail experience.  If you were to come up to me all huffy and puffy I will more than likely just pass you off to see the Manager when he has time, normally on weekends the manager is very busy so expect to wait.   I have 15 other customers in the fishroom who need the same amount of attention that you do, you are not special.    If you are polite and accomodating and explain yourself rationally I would do my best to help you anyway I can, if I was unable to then I would approach the Manager. 


Bieng farely new to the fish community and setting up many new tanks in the past year, I can say I've been to most Pet stores or fish stores in Ottawa... Big Al's certainly ranks almost at the bottom of my list in terms of service.

My issues are not related to price as I find their prices on fish are usually great (although their prices on merchandise and supplies is usually higher than most), but with service time. I usually have to wait a long time for response at Big Al's (sometimes ranging the 10-minute mark and above and its now become and average) even though there are people that seem to be standing around the cash...  Having worked in sales for a long-time, I understand that employees are usually shorthanded and try to do the most with what time they have, but if there is such a need, the management should really look into adding another person.

The staff is knowledgeable and the fish variety is great... but recently, I've resorted into going to other stores (and making considerable detours at time), to avoid having to play the "waiting game".

Super Pet seems to have the greatest service, less variety (but some rarities) and great prices. PetSmart is also similar in experience.

I don't expect service miracles, but as some employees have mentionned in this thread (serving 5 customers at once, etc...), the management should look into customer basics, such as waiting time and even rectifying simple price situations such as Plum's.


Quote from: scorpion-stinger on February 12, 2007, 03:06:26 AM
I'd have to say that they are good on returns/exchange (client not satisfied with a purchase but no refunds  :D) I also noticed that you don't get good service there @ Ba's Innis, no smile just kinds of, thank you/good bye kinda thing and no chatting. They are kinda in a rush to serve ya and get rid of ya. I loved the service @ Superpet on Innis and not afraid to chat with ya at all. kinda happy to give you service etc...
Is there another Big Al's on Innes, cause I must have been in the wrong one on Friday or Saturday, everyone was so friendly, when it was time to pay for my order, it had to be put through three times because I was too slow for the interac. Because we were all talking and basically having a good time.  I had to tell all the employees to leave so I could pay.
I've always had good response from anyone at BA's, same with PetSmart.
Thing is, if I don't like the way I'm treated, I don't go back.
Like PFG says "I miss this place and all the people associated with it."


Well let me try to touch on that.  I better put on my fire retardant suit since I am BA employee.

We are never "standing around" doing nothing.  There is always plenty of work to do, if its not helping customers its scraping algae or sweeping the floor.  Those people "standing around" behind the cash or more than likely on a break, were called up to the front for various reasons, or coming and going from the store.  You have to remember that not every employee is trained on cash.  There are times I am at the front, alone, and customers come up to me and expect me to start operating the cash.  well its not as simple as taking and receiving money, so I need to page Owen or someone up to the cash.

A second point:
Its cold and flu season so each one of these recent weekends we have been short staffed in the fish room.  There is a line up normally at BA Innes but you have to  understand it takes time to catch fish. When you have 3 people in the fishroom we work as fast as we can.  most customers expect us to catch specific fish so again that takes time as well.    It takes a good 5 minutes per order form per customer, longer if their list is large or incorrect.

Things customers can do to help us when its busy:

#1. Fill out your order form.  It takes us a lot of time to run back and forth to verfiy prices or find exactly where it is.  especially for those of us who are new at the store such as myself but I have a pretty good handle on it.

#2. please be patient.  if there are 15-20 customers in the store and only 4 people in the fishroom you are going to have to wait for your fish...     likewise if there is 2 people up front, including the cashier there is going to be some wait time.   It is not always possible to call in extra staff for various reasons.   Other fish stores in the area don't have the volume that BA does. not sure about the Kanata store here.

so I guess I am just asking that you all give us a break... we try our best to get you in and out of the store as quickly as possible but we can't work miracles.  if you see a long line,  go for lunch, come back in an hour, or come back during the week... its normally pretty dead around 6-7pm Weekdays


For me, it's not about getting great deals, it's about getting decent service. I can't count the number of times I've stood waiting on the fish room floor at BA Innes for someone to help me, with NO ONE around, but several people standing behind the cash eating McDonalds. It's definitely irritating to have to go TO the cash and ask if one of them would kindly help me.
Not to say that everyone isn't really nice, because most of them are; but of late, if I can, I go to Super Pet.  I find the service there is faster and better.  I love that BA Innes caries such a wide variety of products and fish, and for that reason I do continue to shop there, but I can't say that I enjoy my trips to BA Innes.  I love knowing that at SP, if I buy something that doesn't work or doesn't fit, I can return it for a refund, not just store credit.  And that if I buy a fish and it dies, I can go back and have it exchanged instead of having to pay half price again just to get a replacement.  And that even if I happen to be a day past the guarantee or have forgotten my receipt, they will replace the fish that has died. And that if I place a special order, they will actually follow up on it and call me back.  And that if I come and ask them to price match something, they gladly will.
I know that BA can't start giving fish away to every joe schlub who tries to put 8 oscars in a fish bowl, but a little respect goes a long way; and although everyone at BA has always been very nice, and their product and fish selection is great, I can't say that I've ever been made to feel like a valued customer.  And I can completely understand that I might not get instantaneous service the moment I step foot into the store when there are a dozen other customers, but when I'm the ONLY one, and there are 4 people behind the cash, it isn't acceptable for me to have to wait 10 minutes and then have to go ASK for assistance. If the people chatting behind the cash are on break, then they shouldn't be behind the cash, because it looks like they're just slacking off.