Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Q on buying Blue Rams

Started by RedFish, February 18, 2007, 08:47:13 PM

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If I wanted to put TWO blue rams in my tank, what is my best choice (say I'm ordering from Zapisto).

Is the best choice to order an adult pair?   So that I know I have one male and one female?

I have never ordered fish on-line and want to make the right choice.

Thanks for any help.


Order six fish total... that way you are pretty much guaranteed at least one pair.  Then sell off those you don't want.


Quote from: BigDaddy on February 18, 2007, 09:21:57 PM
Order six fish total... that way you are pretty much guaranteed at least one pair.  Then sell off those you don't want.

I agree that seems to be the best way about it.


Ok that was an unexpected answer.     (but thank you!)

This is very new to me so please bear with me.    I order 6 young fish (young not adults correct?).

Do I put all 6 into
A. my empty 12 gallon (its filter is runniing in the 29 - but the tank is empty right now, would that be cycled enough?)
B.  into the 29 gallon?   I know you should quarantine but spacewise I am limited.

I wait until I see a couple pair off, this will take days??? weeks???

Sell off the others once I know I have a pair.

Wow this is nerve-wracking for me, I've always been a point-and-shoot type of fishkeeper, this is more like being an SLR type of fishkeeper.    I hope I'm not in over my head.


WHat else is in the 29?  The filter should be cycled enough if you have it going on another tank for now but the space might become an issue in the 12g depending on how fast it takes for you to get a pair.


Well.. if you are buying from zap... then he can get you an adult pair... or give you sexable juvies, so you can avoid the 6 fish deal...

I'm assuming the pair would be eventually going into the 29... what else is in there?


Toss pm'ed and I can get one juvie pair from him, so that is the way I will go....that sounds like the least complicated method and I don't have to worry about too many fish.

Thanks to all for your advice and help!

ps.   The 29 currently has 9 rasboras (harlequin and hengeli), 5 panda corys, 1 dwarf red gourami and 1 mini pleco.
If anyone feels I shouldn't be adding the 2 rams please speak now (!).
I have waffled between getting the 2 rams, or adding a couple more dwarf gourami (prob females)....