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Live food for teeny fry

Started by KLKelly, February 27, 2007, 10:25:48 PM

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Hi Guys,

I have four fancy goldfish fry.  This is my first experience with fry (I saved some eggs before the gang ate them).

They are two days old - look like eyelashes with eyes.  I bought a liquid fry food from Big Als, and tetra fry food from SuperPet.  I have freeze dried brine shirmp, frozen baby brine shrimp and mazuri gel powder for when they are a bit bigger.  I hear that for fry up until two weeks old it would be best to feed small live food.

I've asked around and can't find anything live anywhere.  I'll go back into town tomorrow and get brineshrimp eggs and try and hatch them on my own.

What about these other things I was told to look for at the LFS's?....." live cultures. Vinegar eels, walter worms, Micro worms,and newly hatched Brine Shrimp".  I've never heard of the other things before (yuck).

I think even the tetra fry food is too big for them right now.




Hi Karrie,

       Great news, congrats!!
       Pm "gonna_b_no_1" she had a post up and was looking to share a microworm culture with someone - not sure where the post was - try classified ads.  I think the culture must have been meant for you  :)  I thought about getting it but only have fish who are thinking about breeding for the first time, no eggs yet even so figured it was a bit premature.
       Good luck!


Check out for info on various live foods.  You can post what you're looking for under the classifieds.  Some folks on the forum have cultures sometimes for sale including vinegar eels and whiteworms.
Brine shrimp eggs are at the LFS and I've heard people talking about 'golden pearls' but I don't know much about them.
700 gal pond - Rosy reds



Thanks for the info guys :) :) :)



for tiny fry you have with live food :

- walter worm
- microworm
- vinegar eel
- paramecium
- newly hatch brine shrimp


lol  I have microworms I'll share for sure :)


I love brine shrimp, easy to buy and maintain hehe

Good luck with the new fry!!!
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


When I raised my goldfish fry I fed them the frozen BBS right away.



I think that our pair of swordtails is on this baby train too  ???  I believe that they are live-bearers, are all of the same foods applicable?  Do you need to give fry their food separately somehow so that the adults won't eat it?  (Not much other competition in the tank.  The plants like their own stuff)  Any help greatly appreciated!


most livebearers can eat the same foods as mom and dad.  Simply crush it up into a dust like consistancy.  You can also go for live foods.  Microworms are great! I can set ya up a culture as well if you like.  Pm me :)


Umm, newbie question: What is a microworm?  I'm guessing...well, a very small species of worm?

