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If you won the 75g

Started by beowulf, March 02, 2007, 10:13:42 AM

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What would you do it you won the 75g?  We all the that the APW would turn it into a boring sump  :( what about you???

I have been looking at an Amazon black water biotope.

A dozen cardinals
A dozen hatchet fish
2 angels or 2 discus
1 or 2 BN plecos
then some sort of dwarf cichlids either blue rams or some apistos or both.

Decor would be bogwood and some amazon plants.  Add a little peat to the filter and voila!!


If I won the 75...I'd have to figure out how to get it on the bus LOL! j/k I'd have to figure a way to get it home...I'd seriously walk with it if I had to :D

I want to put victorians in it...with loads of plant life and rock...with only half covered in glass (to help with evaporation) and the other half have lots of water plants. I'd put it on a very low stand so it would be like a mini raised 'pond'
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


I'd get it drilled and make a reef tank!  ;D


I would have to sell it or else I will be sleeping on garnpets couch !  :D 


you can sell it to me for the price of the raffle ticket ;)
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


id replace my existing 70 gallon that's scratched to heck.
or maybe i could convince my wife to let me set it up upstairs where it could be enjoyed by all.


I would give it to my daughter, Jodes22
Like PFG says "I miss this place and all the people associated with it."


Hmmm I thought about this a little too, I think my setup would be very similar to what Beowulf said, but Angels not Discus.   And I would ask my hubby to make a gorgeous stand and canopy for it.

Initially I thought I would move the contents of my 29 into the 75, but I think I would rather have both tanks running.  :)


I'd have a species tank... Rainbows!!!!  The varieties that I don't have room for in my small tanks :)



I would ask to trade it back in for a lesser prize. No More Tanks! I am doing all I can to get down to two tanks. I find having several tanks just leads to me becoming a slave to maintenance and not being able to sit back, relax and enjoy the aquariums. MTS is evil  :P


Actually, if I win it, it's not going to be a sump.  I don't have room for another.  I'll probably donate it back to the club :)


Ahh your such a nice guy!!!


APW is a nice guy, I'll grant you that, but he is also married to a downeaster girl, so I heard fear in his voice there too! ;)

Just a gentle reminder to all you fantasizers of vast empires, if your raffle ticket comes up and it isn't something you want, the draws are specific, don't stick your hand up and yell silly things, just let it go, and then the drawers of great raffled prizes can pick another ticket out of the hat. :)

Just to stir the pot though, I would use it for a fry grow-out tank. Sorry I couldn't resist. She who must be obeyed says I haven't the room for any more tanks, personally I don't know what she means, but she often knows best. ;)


OH, if only I won.  I would probably sell both it and my 80g reef tank and with the money get one of those beautiful 120g tanks.  I've only had the 80g for a couple of months now and its just not big enough  :)  I dream of those 6ft long tanks and what a reef it would make.


Is there a tank to be won???  ;D  hummm I must of missed something.....  :D


My daughter asked me how many fish we had.  I scared myself with the I'm guessing I probably don't need another tank.

In all seriousness, I still have 2 75gallon tanks in the garage from boxing day, that are awaiting homes.  There is a slight conflict in whether to expand the fish wall or put a couch there.


I would make the whole tank various species of barbs.


well sadly I can't make it to the auction so there is no sense dreaming of winning a tank, but it would probably be a dangerous drive home if I won a tank that size...can you picture a 94 mustang going down the 417 with a 75g tank tide to the roof  :o

it would be for cichlids of course, probably saulosi and acei or something like that

