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Did everyone get what they wanted at the auction?

Started by hummer, March 04, 2007, 07:24:48 PM

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Hey guys, that was a really good auction this year.  There was so many items to pick from.  Did everyone get what they were looking for?  I got one item that was not expecting to buy which was finally some type of canopy to go over my 77 gal.  My afra and duboisi look so much better under that light :)  I picked up a breeding trap and tumbler; so in the future if any African is hold I'm good to go.  Do you know who won the 75gal?


wow i just got a bunch of stuff from the ovas auction. i was the tall guy with the long sleeve yellow shirt and white hat. i got 2 big pieces of driftwood. i complete bucket full of reallly nice rocks. a bunch of plants and 2 albino long fine corys. and some other stuff that i cant remember. did anyone see me at the auction.


I got there late and just expected to enjoy the atmosphere, but I got some dwarf sag and a pair of cacatuoides (veeeeery happpy).

It was a lot of fun, and a huge amount of work for the organizers, thank you all SO much, I hope OVAS made a decent profit.


A BIG THANK YOU !!    :-*  to everyone who worked soo hard to put on such a great auction today!!!
I had a fun time, met a few of you (just hope I can remember your 'real' names  ???) and came home with a couple of nice new plants for my tank  :)

Hey PaleoFishGirl, you can have a piece of my ludwigia glandulosa when it grows out a bit.  Thanks again to all!!



beowulf your the one that bought the little nano tank ? i would like to thank everyone from the ovas team and the sponsors for a great event.


Quote from: 93GTCANADA on March 04, 2007, 08:38:12 PM
beowulf your the one that bought the little nano tank ? i would like to thank everyone from the ovas team and the sponsors for a great event.

YES sir!!!  Thanks again to all the sponsors and all the other volunteers and we should never forget our executives!!!

PS hey Paleo what you think of my brother  ::) ;)


Quote from: 93GTCANADA on March 04, 2007, 08:16:50 PM
wow i just got a bunch of stuff from the ovas auction. i was the tall guy with the long sleeve yellow shirt and white hat. i got 2 big pieces of driftwood. i complete bucket full of reallly nice rocks. a bunch of plants and 2 albino long fine corys. and some other stuff that i cant remember. did anyone see me at the auction.
Yes, you were sitting at the back on the left near the door, right?
Like PFG says "I miss this place and all the people associated with it."


I wasn't looking for anything other than random herp stuff, as I've sold off my tanks now, but I got a 5gal with reptile lid and some other random stuff for great deals.  Was fun, but I think I was going to need a comfy chair if it ran much longer than it did ;) Great to see so much interest and so many items! :D


I unexpectedly bought a lovely apisto agassizi.  I have named him Mattfish  :)


i got 2 of the 4 items i was looking for. i had to leave at 3 so i think i did pretty well.
I picked up a pair of Pegasus's Lithobates (they are happily enjoying the 70 gal now) and a 50w heater for a 10 gallon.
I wanted another 50 watt heater, and a filter...Oh and i missed by ] [ much on the BN beat out by a kid on the big one! GRRr. OttawaDiscus i hope you ahe more like that!
this was my first auction of any kind and it was great fun. I hope to be able to stay longer for hte next one!

cheers to all the helpders and volunteers and it was nice to put some faces to the names.


I didn't even get to look at the items before the auction, everything I bid on was a very sudden purchase as I was writing down details from the previous sale :)

That being said, I got some great G1 Calvus and Compressiceps, some females to go with the wild Blue Neon peacock I got last week at the Spencer Jack talk, and a bunch of fantastic slate.  The highlight for me has to be the Hap Ruby Green I picked up, who was beautiful in the bag...but once he had a half hour in a tank he must have doubled in colour...stunning.  I love Victorians :)

Also got a Red Top Ndumbi breeding trio with the female holding!  Alas, she died on the way home.  :(


Cora unfortunately had to I snagged a few items for her too :)

I got a lot more than I expected...and more than I could carry on my own HAHAHA my eyes were too big for my arms!

I got several yellow labs! YAY! plants, a 10 gal tank for $2! and some other lovely goodies that I was very happy to get :) I was surprised that my $30 went so far!!

It was nice putting faces to nicknames! and the bidder next to me (second row from the front)...I didn't get your name (if you're on here) Good luck with all those awesome plants!! I hope you post pictures here of your tank when you're finished planting :)

I will be posting pictures of my new arrivals and goodies when I have everything arranged!
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


Quote from: busdriver on March 04, 2007, 08:50:58 PM
Yes, you were sitting at the back on the left near the door, right?

yes sir that was me and my wife.


well I'm happy to hear everyone got some exciting and new... I too would like to thank everyone who organized the event...

Chris, that ruby green is my third male which i traded with Quatro.  He'll become a beautiful fish.  The Ruby Greens have been my most colour fish to date!  Oh yeah also the female i traded is holding right now.  So I'm hoping that she holds long enough.  I'm thinking if i use implement the new tumbler i brought or let nature run it's course.  

Anytime i go to the auction i end up buying items too fast and then only take what i can carry.  Oh i was big bald chinese guy if anyone noticed a big bald chinese guy.


I got way more than I expected and at great prices too!

10 gallon tank with glass top
Light fixture for 10 gallon
Digital pH Meter with cal fluids
Bag of Java Moss
Bag of Amazon Sword
Bag of Cherry Shrimp
1/4 Pail of Salt
2 pails of Live Sand
2 Powerheads

I think that's it.  ::)


Quote from: hummer on March 04, 2007, 09:28:58 PM
well I'm happy to hear everyone got some exciting and new... I too would like to thank everyone who organized the event...

Chris, that ruby green is my third male which i traded with Quatro.  He'll become a beautiful fish.  The Ruby Greens have been my most colour fish to date!  Oh yeah also the female i traded is holding right now.  So I'm hoping that she holds long enough.  I'm thinking if i use implement the new tumbler i brought or let nature run it's course. 

Anytime i go to the auction i end up buying items too fast and then only take what i can carry.  Oh i was big bald chinese guy if anyone noticed a big bald chinese guy.

were u sitting beside me. did u buy a used fluval.


I think Crumpet, that it may not be a real A. aggasizi, but something even more rare. Get a pic once it settles down.


Yes, that was me.  I did buy the used fluval.  I wish i had more time to buy a couple more items but my friend was nice enough to come along.  He's always making fun of me for my fish hobby but we all know how fun it is. 93 were you to the left or right of me?


Quote from: mseguin on March 04, 2007, 09:58:08 PM
I think Crumpet, that it may not be a real A. aggasizi, but something even more rare. Get a pic once it settles down.

Oh cool!  Thanks Matty, will do :)  If you can help me identify him, I'd love to get Mattfish a companion, if possible.  (Oh no-- it has begun!  :o )