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Did everyone get what they wanted at the auction?

Started by hummer, March 04, 2007, 07:24:48 PM

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Quote from: hummer on March 04, 2007, 09:59:28 PM
Yes, that was me.  I did buy the used fluval.  I wish i had more time to buy a couple more items but my friend was nice enough to come along.  He's always making fun of me for my fish hobby but we all know how fun it is. 93 were you to the left or right of me?

i was on your left yellow shirt white hat. big piece of driftwood between my leg and my wife always saying sorry when u passed by lol.


I didn't really have time to bid on much but I did manage to snag Zapisto's bumblebee nerites (sooooo cute!) and a white worm culture. 

My biggest prize, though, is a gorgeous oil painting of a Lake Kutubu (Turquoise) Rainbowfish!! Crumpet, you rock :) I will display it proudly :)


Those looked so cool I wanted some but my two tanks that I could but them in have loaches so they likely would not have lasted even a week  :o


Yeah, i'm a big troublemaker... Getting in everyones way.. everytime i had to pay for an item.


Quote from: PaleoFishGirl on March 04, 2007, 10:07:22 PM
My biggest prize, though, is a gorgeous oil painting of a Lake Kutubu (Turquoise) Rainbowfish!! Crumpet, you rock :) I will display it proudly :)

PFG-- Thank you so much for buying it!  You're so sweet  :)


Quote from: Crumpet on March 04, 2007, 10:10:43 PM
PFG-- Thank you so much for buying it!  You're so sweet  :)

Very nice paintings indeed.  I would have bought the one that did not sell for the 8$ but I had no more money on me after buying that nano marine tank!!


Yay! I got myself some echinodorus quadricostatus var magdalensa, a nice big clown loach so the other guy has a buddy now,  and 6 galaxy rasboras.


Quote from: artw on March 04, 2007, 10:12:40 PM
Yay! I got myself some echinodorus quadricostatus var magdalensa, a nice big clown loach so the other guy has a buddy now,  and 6 galaxy rasboras.

Damm you art and I wanted that clown!!!


hummer: I can't wait...the ruby green I swear is getting more colourful by the hour...he's fantastic!  Let me know if you or Quatro ever want to sell any others :)



Quote from: PaleoFishGirl on March 04, 2007, 10:07:22 PM
My biggest prize, though, is a gorgeous oil painting of a Lake Kutubu (Turquoise) Rainbowfish!! Crumpet, you rock :) I will display it proudly :)

And I love my new Cardinal Tetra painting ;D

I had a fantastic day and got some GREAT plants to start my planted aquarium with.


Quote from: DarkDep on March 04, 2007, 10:15:31 PM
Damn I wanted to see those paintings!

Thanks beowulf for the kind remarks, APW for the interest  :)
I'm so glad the cardinals went to a good home, Kennyman  ;) (thanks again)

With my newly purchased membership, I will be able to post pictures of them in my gallery


i got nothing...........................i hate these auction events. What a waste of time!!!!!!!

Oh Ok, got myself and zippitygirl a small AC Mini, a brand new Penguin 200, Elite 802 pump, 6 yellow labs that I have to put in the bathtub cuz I got no room, a magnatek ballast to hook up some new lights for my new snakes in the future, and a smackload of java fern plants. We also picked up some crummy dull looking rocks, and we are wondering who bought the other box of them, they were the salt and pepper rocks, I know Laura won one box who I am trying to persuade to throw them away so I can have them but I didn't see who won the other box of them, so please speak up whoever did.

The 1 item I didn't even see if it ever came out was the 1 male estherae and 2 females in the same lot number, who got that one?

I laughed so hard today at my new buddy "zima", we all know him as bidder number 18, what a freak he is, every 3rd bid or so he bought something, man this guy must have a good job.

Hats off to all executives and to all the volunteers for making another dull boring sunday into an amazing time again with this auction, WELL DONE!!!!!




Don't laught too hard at zima, he padded my pockets (and no, Norm, not *patted* my pockets ::)) pretty good tonight :D


bidder 18 must still be sorting out all his loot :D

I wanted some large rocks too...but that much! I was hoping someone would split them ;)
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


Quote from: PaleoFishGirl on March 04, 2007, 10:22:46 PM
Don't laught too hard at zima, he padded my pockets (and no, Norm, not *patted* my pockets ::)) pretty good tonight :D

Which reminds me we have a nice picture of PFG butt with her name tag on it  :P

Zippity where you and ZG the one on the right wall with the two kids?  I think it was had a Sens shirt I think.


i bought the last bucket of rocks at the end # 186. and the big black and white one with crystals in it. the bucket i bought was full of rocks like that what do u call them ?


hey beowulf....................nope that wasn't me on the wall with 2 kids, I hate kids!!!!!! Just don't tell my 3 kids I said that ok? No we were actually 3rd or 4th row right on the aisle in front of the auctioneers. We had big blue jackets. Ok still no clue????!!!! Just think of the most handsomeest guy there with the hottest looking chick, that was us!!!


My favourite was the little kid who was holding up a piece of paper at the same time as his dad so they ended up bidding against each other!

On top of my rocks that Zippity's coveting, I got some great plants, although I could have just gone shopping at Jetstream's place!

Many thanks to Mila for my Hemianthus micranthemoides - I can check that one off my list :)
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


Quote from: zippity on March 04, 2007, 10:54:51 PM
Just think of the most handsomeest guy there with the hottest looking chick, that was us!!!

Huh?  Chelsea and I were at the front...