Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Giant Auction - your suggestions, please!

Started by PaleoFishGirl, March 05, 2007, 09:02:17 AM

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While the event is still fresh in everyone's minds, I wanted to solicit you all for your suggestions for years to come.
It was a great day, but your comments will help us make this event even better!  Please feel free to post anything here and don't be afraid of offending me in particular because I know I screwed up a couple of times ;)


Make the lots bigger.  Some of the stuff was pretty small and took up more time then need be IMO.

Also ask for better labeling as an example think of all the fish that where just labeled Africans.....we lost so much time trying to figure out what they where.

I am sure I'll think of more and will post it then.

PS With all due respect to everyone that acted as an auctioneer I think you and Matt where the best and Ashley agrees, she said you looked like a natural up there.


Hi there. Great auction.  ;) My only suggestion would be to try and get some more saltwater stuff. I scooped up what I could, but more things like live rock, argonite, crabs, snails, cleaner shrimp, refractometer, salt, frags, etc... would have been nice.  :(  I know the majority of people that go to the auction are freshwater, but there are some of us who are making the leap into saltwater.  :D I have 2 freshwater tanks, but as soon as the fish expire or are given away it will be saltwater all the way. (Except my shrimp tank of course!) 8)


I was out of town and could not attend the auction, but I really wanted to! I have a suggestion, perhaps making a section on the forums where you could have a list of items for sale and allow people who can not attend a chance to buy items etc...

I hope you all had fun this year, please upload some pictures if you have any!


Quote from: Shrimpy on March 05, 2007, 09:29:03 AM
Hi there. Great auction.  ;) My only suggestion would be to try and get some more saltwater stuff. I scooped up what I could, but more things like live rock, argonite, crabs, snails, cleaner shrimp, refractometer, salt, frags, etc... would have been nice.  :(  I know the majority of people that go to the auction are freshwater, but there are some of us who are making the leap into saltwater.  :D I have 2 freshwater tanks, but as soon as the fish expire or are given away it will be saltwater all the way. (Except my shrimp tank of course!) 8)

We talked about this and as you saw some of the items when pretty cheap so I am unsure how well SW would do as it tends to be a fair bit more expensive.  Will people want to spend enought to meet reserves or will sellers want to let things go without reserves becames important questions.


Quote from: beowulf on March 05, 2007, 09:34:23 AM
We talked about this and as you saw some of the items when pretty cheap so I am unsure how well SW would do as it tends to be a fair bit more expensive.  Will people want to spend enought to meet reserves or will sellers want to let things go without reserves becames important questions.

I spent almost $100 and bought pretty much saltwater stuff except for some plants and shrimp for my shrimp tank. I would have spent another $200 if there was more saltwater stuff. Oh well, there's always ebay!  ;D


I think we need 2 big auctions per year. Most of the last 1/2 went so fast and was so rushed (probably could have sold more at higher prices). Also it would make for a shorted day.It was a very long day. I was there at 10:30 and got home about 8:30.

Over 1000 items is nuts to try to get through in 4-5 hours.

Also I think so people ran out of money and could not purchase any more (I heard a few people mention this).

It was an awsome auction! So many deal to be had! I love the 10 gallon acylic complete aquarium I got for $11. Now just to talk them into letting me setup an aquarium at work :)


Hmmm, everyone should get an AquaPod.   :D

1.  How about dividing the tables up into a fish table, plant table, and equipment table.  

2.  The order that the tables came up was very random.  I would like to see a list of which tables will be coming up.

3.  The executive won't want to hear this but...2 auctions a year.  8)


I kinda like the idea of a bi-annual auction. 

Or maybe a 2 day auction instead.  Day 1 is run "as is"

Day 2 could be all the stuff that didn't sell.  Maybe have a no reserve section, where biddingg can start at a buck instead of 2?

Or-Splitting the day up.  IE-1-2pm could be plants, 2-3 fish 3-? tanks, equiptment, rocks, gravel....

Having an option on reg sheets (check the box u want) to have pay outs mailed out, or at end of auction.....


Quote from: gonna_b_no_1 on March 05, 2007, 10:06:22 AM
Day 2 could be all the stuff that didn't sell.  Maybe have a no reserve section, where biddingg can start at a buck instead of 2?

I like that idea.  :) I know I didn't bid on some stuff that didn't sell because I was saving my $$$ for the stuff I really wanted (which happended to be on the 2nd last and 3rd last tables) ::)
I would have bought some of the notsold stuff later with whatever $$$ I had left to spend.


We are considering limiting the amount of items allowed per vendor that have a reserve (minimum) bid for next year.
we are also considering limiting or refusing rediculously small lots. (we assumed that starting the bids at $2 would negate this, but obviously not).


Hi Art: I know you probably have the stats :) but considering the number of items that were sold, it appeared to me that the number of items that didn't sell was rather miniscule by comparison.

WRT minimum bids, we added restrictions to the mini-auctions.  Has it helped raise the prices or speed the process at the minis or just changed vendor habits to bring fewer big-ticket items. I don't think so, but I may be wrong.  Definitely something for the executive to ponder.

I do like the idea of segregating items a bit and, for instance, selling off most of the bigger items such as the aquariums and stands early in the day so that people can take them out of the building at the break if they want to.  Can't do that with the perishables like fish and plants but would definitely work for the non-perishables.



I agree about splitting it was wickedly long...I was there just past 11am and didn't get home until 8:30pm.

and I agree about separating items...plants, fish, etc. I also ran out of money and wanted to buy more!! and I would have bought some of the things that didn't sell...but was saving $$'s for other items that I really wanted!!! I was kicking myself for letting some things get away!

all in all it was pretty well organized event and I look forward to the next one which will be bigger and better (Right people!? :) )
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


I sort of used most of the money I had brought for one item which I was not expecting to.  I could not let that nano cube get away.  I did get some freshwater stuff that I wanter like the two baby BN plecos but other things where out of my grasp.


Two auction a year like Montreal would be good. We should look at how Montreal does it , like the different draws you can buy. 1 draw for the big stuff (2 item) and another draw for the smaller stuff min 50 items. This would raise more money for the club.
  Can we put poster up at the fish stores and around the area? this woud bring in newer people and we may get more money. I see the newer members spend more money then you old guy's.

Ed   make money.... ::)


Any consideration on if you do 2 auctions - how about a strictly livestock and plant one? I felt so bad seeing all the fish in bags and jars - just waiting for their chance to be bid on? 1 auction for livestock and plants and the second for hardware and a limited # of live stuff?  I like the idea of having more salt water stuff - I would bring and spend more money if I knew there would be more of that stuff available. Yes, I know the stuff is expensive but might be worth it.
120 gal - Salt water Fish Only
25 gal - Salt Water Reef
Rotti named Nimh
Cat named Yoda
Numerous Bearded Dragons
Numerous BP's and other snakes
Numerous other geckos and lizards


Come on people - this is the club's annual giant auction.  Everyone knows that it is a long day with lots of stuff to sell.  If you want a shorter auction, keep in mind the monthly mini auctions.  It's the excitement of the year for Ottawa-area aquarists.  The perceived "disorganization" of the lots makes up part of this excitement.

Personally, I feel the auction went as perfect as it could and the executive and volunteers did a fine job of organizing an event which could easily fall apart!  I had a great day, spent lots and talked to a few more fish experts!

Of course, that's just my feelings on the topic.


Perhaps the main auction could be held 2x a year and the mini's each month need to have some limits so that they dont take time from the meetings. That was a huge event!


About SW stuff...
I once brought xenia to our mini-auction and it was sold, but it started closing the heads and was not nice enough as it was in my tank few hours before. And this one is not so delicate as other corals and fish can be.
I would not bring any frag or livestock to the grand-auction, which last for more than 10 hours, as at the end this will be just "deadstock". FW fish and plants are not so delicate, but I sometimes sorry even for them staing in the bag in cold water without enoght air in bag. And more, I would not buy SW (except probably marcoalgae) I already mentioned why.
As for hardware, nobody will bring 100-200 piece of equipment to the auction, as there will be no buyer for it.

PS. Unfortunatly I missed this auction and acnnot tell how it can be improved, but I would like to see 2 of them every year as well :) I think all of us have lots of stuff for both auctions, and there will be no case when one is packed with lots and other does not...



i will have to say i felt really REALLY bad for some of the fish over the day!

Maybe having a "bag your fish so they survive" how to?