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new turtle tank filter/heater

Started by timmer71, March 07, 2007, 02:08:03 PM

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I am making a new tank for my red eared slider turtle. It will have a water capacity of about 120 gallons. What is the best filter and heater for this type of turtle in a tank this size?


Im sorry but I have to mention that it is interesting that you have posted but next to your name it says 0 posts.   :o


There are lots of choices that would work well for a filter, alot will depend on how exactly you will set it up. Give some more fdetails on the setup and we can work from there. As for a heater, anything that you can put a guard on I would assume.


I am wondering if this might be a case where an undergravel filter might be best.  Am I safe in assuming this will be set up more like a paludrum(?always forget spelling), with some land and water?


I am making a large 29x60 footprint with about 15 inches of water. There will be a minimum of "garnish" consisting mainly of a basking rock and a hiding place, probably under the rock. for ease of cleaning I was thinking of putting in zero pieces of gravel. I have been told turtles don't need plants and would just eat them anyway.


Alot of people use plain old sponge filters. Some use under gravel filters. Some use canisters. As for which one is best, I personally say a combination of canister and sponge. The canister is goof for the biological aspect of filtration. Turtles are messy eaters, so the sponge filter will help pick up some of those extra chunks floating around. Through personal experience I dont like U/G filters that much, unreliable IMO. Im sure most people have there opinions, this is just mine, and I say it from what I know. If your going to have just a floating dock or something similar to bask on, definately a canister. With bare bottom its nice and simple, just very unattractive. Are those dimensions normal? I dont think I have ever seen a tank with those dimensions.


put plants in that tank! they will use them as food, to hide in and to swim through. they love plants. Plants are very good for your habitat.
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


I was looking at a canister, I hadn't thought of a sponge, I will look into that. The canister I was looking at heats the water as well, this is probably the way to go especially with a turtle. Enheim canisters are expensive, are they worth the extra cost?
I am making the tank custom, I was trying to give the turtle more swimming space and space is not an issue in the house.
I wasn't going with a floating dock, I was going to make an arch so he can hide underneath or bask on top. I will have to make a custom top, but that is another issue.


Grab a fluval fx5:)! Lol Ottawadiscus has a eheim knockoff at great prices, look into them. Fluvals work well too...


Turtles don't really need bio filtration. There's no reason. They breath air. The only reason why you would need bio filtration is if you're trying to cohab fish with the turtle. (And any fish are potential prey.)

Sponge filters work well. Or cannisters loaded with tons of mechanical media.

I have two turtle tanks (40 gallon breeders - 36x18 footprints) and keep them bare bottom and filtered with Fluval 4+ internal filters. I clean the filters at least once a week and spot clean for debris two or three times a week. I top up water as needed from the spot cleanings as those are usually about 10% water changes per time. Once every couple of weeks I do a 75% water change. And I tend to empty the tank and scrub it down once every two months. Keeps things clean and simple.

I would never recommend an undergravel filter for turtles. It makes no sense. Undergravel filters are meant to use the gravel bottom as a biofilter if I'm not mistaken. A messy turtle will clog up those gravel plates fairly quickly and you'll end up tearing the tank apart regularly.

Large sponge filters will likely be attacked and torn apart by the turtle - especially with their claws.

Any plants you put in the tank will be ripped apart and what isn't eaten will clog your filter of choice.

Hang-on-back filters are not a bad idea. They can provide that 'water fall' effect while at the same time providing for good mechanical filtration.

There are some sites on the net, I believe, that show how people have made their own diy filters/cannisters for turtles using powerheads, buckets, hosing and filter floss for the most part. It's crude but works well and is often not too expensive - especially if you can get the powerhead for fairly cheap.

Anyway. Just some ideas for ya to work with.

Out of curiousity - what are you making this tank out of? And how high will it be?


Thank you. I went from hmmmm plants huh? to "don't put plants!" I have to say I agree with you. The tank is 10mm glass and it will be 25 inches tall. I was going to put the basking rock in the centre to avoid escape issues. I was thinking that I do need some bio filter to clean the turtle waste.


I said biological when I meant mechanical*



Quote from: timmer71 on March 08, 2007, 07:58:46 PM
where or who is ottawadiscus?

Check the boards lower down he is one of the sponsors.


why did you laugh about the fluval fx-5, is this a bad filter? I am new here, but I don't wish to be seen as "new". Someone is selling one here for $250.00, is this good, is there some inside joke I am not getting?


You don't really need filtration as such, and the fx-5 is a canister filter of such dimension that you may mistake it for a shopvac. It is rated to service a 400 gallon tank, so, I imagine the comments may have been towards the overkill status of this filter for your needs.

Ottawadiscus is an OVAS club member on the site, he is also a sponsor and has his own forum in the sponsors forums titled OttawaDiscuss, there will be a lot of information in there on what he has available.


The FX5 goes for 349.95 plus taxes I believe, its a pretty good deal.