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Started by groan, March 23, 2007, 09:41:39 AM

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I have now successfully bred 2 types of cichlid. my Lemon Jake and my Afra.

I have a question, I am unable to get out to meeting to bring in a sample of my fish and was told by someone that if requested someone would actually come to my house to confirm.

Also I read the BAP info, but other than the merit awards, is there anything else that having BAP points gives you?

I dont want to put anyone out by asking them to come to my house if this is just going to be a fleeting thing from my fish keeping life so I am just looking for info at this point.

Oh and the first batch of Lemon Jakes are almost an inch long now!
and i cant believe how fast the afras grow, they are so much bigger than the 2nd batch of jakes that were released on the same day! this is fun!


Here's some info on the OVAS BAP program

Look on the side under the articles sidebar for the CAOAC rules.
Pm me with details (species, numbers, age etc, and we'll figure something out.)


Okay groan here's the deal.

There are two BAPs (Breeders Award Program).  There is the one the Canadian Association of Aquarium Clubs (CAOAC) has, and there is also an OVAS BAP.

CAOAC BAP gets you a nice certificate from them, along with bragging rights  :)

OVAS BAP can get you a free membership for each level you successfully get.

BAP requires that you complete a spawning resume, and you have to have your spawns verified.  Usually this means a fry count at 3 weeks, and then again at 3 months.  (The first is to ensure an actual spawning occurred in the tank and the second to ensure you were successfully able to raise the fry).  I could be off with the timelines.  As well.. you have to raise a reasonable number of fry based on the species.  If the normal brood is say 100 fry, you likely won't get BAP points if you only raise a couple of dozen ;)  Oh... and of course, you have to be a member of OVAS to apply for CAOAC or OVAS BAP awards.

Usually this means getting your BAP verified by the BAP coordinator... but can also be verified by other execs or another OVAS member (at the BAP coordinator's discretion).  In extreme cases, I know Matt has asked people to take pics where he specifies to put something in the picture to ensure authenticity... but counting fry in pics is usually hard to do.

Hope this is a good enough start for you...


Oops.. thanks Matt  :D


Great! thanks...

the first batch started out with 16 fry and is now 14 after 2 months (i think its 2 months) so pretty good!

the second ones were just released on the 8th (i think) and no fatalities yet.

Matt, I'll send you the particulars soonish.



Congratulation, your Jakes would be your first entry in the Breeder's directory


actuallythe jakes you sold me dont count..hehe
the second batch and the afras do though!!! woot!
Thanks for the jakes Pegasus! they have been busy. i may have to seperate them!...need any jakes?


Congrats on the upcoming BAP points! I think the lemon jakes will count. I can't imagine why they wouldn't.


Good question! At this time you have fulfil the BAP requirements but in reverse. You have delivered a brood of Jakes, raised 85% of them for over 2 months and did your first own breeding, so yes you will probably asked to raise your second brood for the 60 days to get the BAP point, but I don't see why you should not be on the OVAS breeder's directory.
All this because you bought a pair of Jakes with the female holding. What if you had bought only the female?

Still, well done, you are in your way to get two points in record time. Can I help you get 4 more by July? I have breeding C44, Lithobates, Eureka and Saulosi for sale? ;)


The first brood doesn't count as the fish was already holding when obtained by groan. The other two will count in about a month.


Oh I didn't know the first fry was bought brooding. Well congrats on the upcoming points then!  ;)


ya, pegasus helped on that one...the male and female were in different tanks too, so the first batch isnt from this pair.

Peggy, I think i'll hold off on any more breeders. i have a batch (or 2) of Red Empress coming too so i'll have way too many babies.

i'll be putting the jakes up for sale in a couple months.