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fish needs help any ideas? Picture Added

Started by PoisonJello, March 25, 2007, 04:57:17 PM

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first I just bought a blue ram and it has what looks like a pimple on it, does anyone now what disease it might be and if it is treatable???

the rest of the story I went to BA in Montreal to buy another 65g tank and decided to pick up 2 blue rams but when i got home found out only one in the bag, (live in Cornwall so gas to go back cost more then fish is worth, even the phone call to tell them cost more) anyways they gave to 2 extra fish free since i decided to go back to get the others but when i got there they noticed they had something wrong with them looks like a pimple on there head (they didn't know what it was and said they could give me some that looked like they were fine) they quarantined them right away (i ended up getting a wild caught blue ram and 2 bolivian rams) but today the first blue ram that i got has a bump on its head that looks like the start of that pimple like the other at the store

any ideas on what it might be?? also i am guessing that the other in the tank with it probably already have it (there in a 10g with the other rams and some snails)

in picture it is hard to tell it is bumped up on the head but you can see the spots in the entire body

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Is the spot white, grey, or red?  How big is it?  Is it raised, or indented?  Does it look fuzzy or puffy or anything like that?  Could you get a photo?

If it's grey it could be fish lice.  Otherwise it could be ich, hole-in-the-head, septicimia... lots of things.  In the meantime, I would isolate the sick fish.


I am working on setting up the other 10g tank i have right now (i got the used filter and using water from big tank so should be ok)
it is a orangest bump at the moment but the ones i saw at the store was whitish in color
the fish manager said he didn't know what it was and they have never seen it before, even said it could be something in that strain of fish because they have been having a lot of problems with blue rams in the past year
I will try to take a picture later but way to busy today, I am already suppost to be out fixing a computer but that has to wait a bit  ;)


Rams can get hole in the head quite quickly from stress.  In my experience, if they don't get ich, they get hole in the head.


well i'm not sure what hole in the head is but since I move the fish to the other tank it has lost its color and now i can see that it has spots thought its entire body (looks like little white blobs) not just on the head, just on its head it is closer to the surface and bumped up

so maybe that means its a parasite and if so is there anything i can do or is it a gonner?


Does it look like the fish has been sprinkled with salt grains?  If so, that is ich.


I pretty sure its not ich, it is growths in its body, there is no white on the body its in the body, also i think BA's in montreal would have known if it was just ich, they actually seem to know what they are talking about (I know that is unheard of in most fish stores) they even looked at a few of the rams with magifing glass to see what it is but still wasn't sure what it was....

I figured in a fish store they would have seen every disease by now and would know when they see it but i figured one of the many knowedgeable people on here might know something about it....

I have read about many different diseases and seen picture of them but nothing like this so i was wondering if it might be a parasite and if it is can the fish be saved or is it just a dead fish thats still swimming

I haven't been able to take a picture since its a new fish he still won't come out to see me, hides in the back corners of the tank


From the pic that's been added, I'm suspicious that it's a worm or parasite of some kind.  Just guessing though.
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


I wonder if this is some kind of necrosis?  :(




well if it is tumors then nothing can be done to help him i guess but does that mean its something that won't hurt other fish

if no changes in 2 weeks i was considering putting him back in with the other fish, does that sound ok or should i just leave him by itself till i know for sure what it might be?

I have been trying to find info on diseases that might be even similar but nothing sounds anything like that so could it be just a defect in this line of fish...manager at BA said they have gotten rams in before within the past 2 years that had to be destroyed because of defects from a bad line and some local breeders have done the same (to much inbreeding i guess) all sounds a bit strange to me but i have heard of stranger things happening


I've been looking for info on worms as I'm still suspicous that's it.  I've found a couple of references to worms living under the skin or in the flesh, but nothing conclusive.
Here's the most detailed info I could find - I don't know if it's helpful though....

Wormy Arowana  - 02/27/06
I have a 12" Arowana that had a lump on his right side. I tried to treat it with Prazi-pro, and salt but to no avail. I thought he may have developed dropsy but that was his only symptom, so I treated him with Maracyn II after the Prazi and salt but that didn't work either. So, I decided to perform surgery. I used eugenol as the anesthetic (clove bud oil) then made a small incision under the scale at the backside of the lump. I couldn't believe what I saw. I removed a 3-4" pink worm with a white head all curled up in a ball. He is doing fine know and I am using the Maracyn II as an antibiotic. I was wondering if you could identify the worm and give me some tips on how to prevent this again? My water is perfect and I also have a very healthy teacup ray and clown knife. Thanx Mark Galary
< These fish are always wild caught and could have picked up all kinds of intestinal critters like flatworms or tapeworms. Use a medication with  Praziquantel in it like Parasite clear, or PraziPro to prevent further problems.-Chuck>

This one discusses both the tumor and parasite theories, although the colour and shape of the lumps doesn't sound right.
Judging LFS, Fancy Rams 9/16/05
Okay.. venting over.. so I came across a fish which they referred to as a gold veil angel ram.  Basically a long-finned gold ram with an angel fish shaped body.  The colorations and disposition of the fish caused me to immediately fall in love with the fish and I proceeded to plan my future purchase.
Here's the problem.. I bought 5 of them from my LFS today and they came with a problem.   They have this little tumor like cysts in their bodies some of them 1 or 2 .. but no more than 3.. they are about half the size of a grain of rice.. probably even smaller, they react like normal and don't show any signs of being sick.. now.. here's the reason I bought them.. This fish I haven't been able to find online and this is the only fish store on Oahu that gets them in stock.   
<Perhaps another/better store would order them for you?>
And worse.. they only get them 1-2 times a year and normally by the time they get them in stock they're sold out.  So yeah.. I took the chance.. So.. back to the tumor like things.. they appear to be brownish in color.. they aren't translucent.. but you can see them clearly through the fishes
body.. at the moment I have the 5 in a 5 gallon hospital tank being treated with paragon.  I wish I could get a picture for you guys but I don't have a digital camera.  I can try an borrow one and get one too you by next week.. but if anything I'm more curious as to if this is something fatal, curable, or whatever other possibilities there are.   
<Chuck's archived response to you can be found here: .  Though I agree with Chuck's suggestion that they are digenetic trematodes (that's, external parasites, similar to worms, that require different animal hosts at different stages in development - the snail/bird/fish parasite he suggests is one), I would also propose that these things could in fact be tumors or granulomas, possibly even from mycobacteriosis....  In any of these cases, treatment is of no help, and in the case of mycobacteriosis, treatment is very, very unlikely to effect a cure and may even be harmful.>
Otherwise.. I'd also like it if someone could give some background information on them as I know they're probably a product of inbreeding.  Either way. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
<Indeed, they are not natural in color or shape.  I can't find much on this "new" body shape; though, I've seen "balloon" rams (similar to balloon mollies) as well.>
Thanks  -Jonathan
<Wishing you well,  -Sab
(same link as above)
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


well it could be either one of those you listed Laura, so i think the fish is definatly a dead fish just hasn't died yet..seems and acts like a healthy fish

I have been wondering if this fish was going to live and it just figures the wild ram i got died and it looked healthy, at least the 2 bolivian rams look good and far ::) maybe I'm just not meant to keep rams


The first reference suggests treating it with prazi - do you think that's worth it, or does it sound more like the second ref?
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


i would say its a parasite salt bath for the fish add salt to the tank


well LFS doesn't have prazi but i think it sounds more like the second

the first thing i did was add salt fish still looks the same, eats and swims around like nothing wrong, only time will tell i guess