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Murderous apple snail?

Started by fishycanuck, March 29, 2007, 10:28:13 PM

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As we all know, this week I was bamboozled into purchasing an apple snail and a large watersprite for one of my tanks. With little ceremony, I added them to my tank on Monday.

Tuesday morning, everyone seemed happy. Mr. Snail was sliding around, surfing the current, enjoying the scenery. Never actually saw him eat the foliage, but whatever.

Wednesday, same thing.

Tonight, Thursday, the snail and plant seem fine, but the other residents do not. The platys were hovering around the surface with fins clamped. The neon and glo-light tetras were washed-out, and floating near the gravel at a vertical.

I pulled out the snail and plant and put them in a bucket of tank water. 5 minutes later, all the fish were swimming around, racing for the food I had just added, colour normal. It's a bit late at night to pull out the test kits, but this tank has had steady 78 degree temp, no ammonia or nitrIte, and nitrAte less than 5 for ages.

Wassup? If I can't repatriate him, Bigmomma has offered to cook the snail.


That's a weird one.  Although there are stories of canas being muderous especially if there isn't enough protein in their diet, I've nver heard of fish being scared of them.

I'm sure someone will take the big fella before he's sauted.  :( I'm amazed he didn't mow down the watersprite - it should have been a buffet!
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


I bought 3 snails at the mini auction. Now I know why nobody else jumped at them. I finding it hard fitting them in. The none plant eating snail seems to be eating my plant and the plant eating snails in the plantless little aquarium are being pestered by my betta. I just need a little aquarium all of their own for the snails!
Good luck with your muderous snail. :)


Apple snails won't actually murder fish, but they definately will clean up carcasses. 

Fish are usually the ones to pick on the apple snails by trying to nip off their antenae (i have no clue what the actual term is)

Apple snails WILL eat eggs that are laid in the tank.  They (IF they are canas) WILL  eat your plants quite rapidly)  Brigs will not eat plants unless there's absolutely nothing else in the tank for them to eat. has some great info ;)


Very interesting, never thought fish would be frightened of a snail? Our son has 3 huge apple snails(the size of the palm of your hand) in a tank with 2 other fish and there doesn't seem to be a problem? This is certainly a dark day indeed for the reputation of our beloved snails :D.
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


Did you get water sprite, or water wisteria?  Might be something there depending on your answer


Try treating both new variables seperately and see what can leave the snail, but remove the plant and see if there's a different response.
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


Quote from: Laura on March 30, 2007, 09:20:14 AM
Try treating both new variables seperately and see what can leave the snail, but remove the plant and see if there's a different response.

I'd do that!!  If it's the snail, my clowns might like the snack  ;)


Both are out of the tank, I'll reintroduce one and then the other over the weekend. I don't really think my fish were scared of or hurt by the snail, more concerned of an incompatibility or disease.
PFG told me it was watersprite and told me I had to buy it, so it's all her fault.


OH NO Fishy!! I hope it all gets sorted out soon!


Okay.. it isn't wisteria.  There are reports, although I've yet to see it having grown it myself, that damaged wisteria can release a toxin into the water.  The general rule is to soak it first in a bucket... and then carefully plant afterwards taking care not to damage the stems.

That being said.. a snail is still livestock... always safest going with a quarantine.


There is no doubt the plant was damaged - in the car, on the way to the tank, etc. I've tossed it out. The snail will spend a pleasant weekend in quarantine, enjoying freshly scrubbed greens from the kitchen.
Raise your hands if you think PFG owes me a beer for all the pain and suffering I've been through  ;D


Beer I don't know, but a big hug from pufug to make you feel better might work, besides, you're a big girl now with a great big birthday coming, and I don't think anyone can make you do anything, least of all a tiny little paleontologist with a cute little smile, however, if you feel really really bad about your impulse purchase of an evil cana snail and a wisteria plant, I suppose that I could proffer a big hug to make you feel better, no touching though, someone's weirdness might rub off, and heaven knows one of us is clearly weirder than the other one, right fishy dear! ;) :D :-*



But she didn't buy wisteria.. she bought water sprite


Well, I just have to blame someone, and DFC is the first person who came to mind.


Well we all know the sprites are evil, and just like fairies they bite, so we'll blame the nasty plant, I'm sure it came with pixies or brownies or some such nasty little gremlins. Either that or we could blame the really tall BigParent for giving the mysterious plant a nomenclature of obviously dubious backgrounds and parentage!

Good luck with that beer, perhaps it will make the snail go down easier! :D


LOL I am never bored in this forum.

To my knowledge, there's nothing that your snail could pass to the fish directly.  Its being studied though, so don't take that as gospel.  It wouldn't, however, be an instant response if they did pass something to the fish.

I'd point at that plant, whatever it may be.  Maybe fertilizers or something.  They can also come with parasites like Ich, so quarantine or disinfection is a good idea.

Otherwise, as the Cheers mailman would say, "it is a little known fact" that Gremlins can & do reside in aquariums.  Try 'Gremlin-Be-Gone' & PM me in the mourning. ;)


Did someone say brownies? Can I have one?

Everyone seems happy, even Mr. Garden Pest in his bucket.  I threw out the pennywisteriawort, aka nux vomica. I bought him a nice bunch of kale and gave him a bit. Aren't these guys supposed to be voracious????


I said brownies, but I meant the evil ones that stick thistle heads in your socks when you're napping by the glade.

Pity about the nux vomica, that actually sounds like a good name for that plant.

I infer you imply with respect to the voracious query, that your perceived sarcasm denotes a tendancy to avoid kale, well...wouldn't you? Kale tastes awful, I would much rather drink Buckley's mixture than eat Kale, perhaps your evil cana shares the very same sentiments?

Try something more palatable to the escargot, and see if it responds better. ;)

Heck, a cheeseburger is more likely to be food to a snail than kale anyday of the week.