Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Betta channoides update

Started by Woody, March 31, 2007, 08:31:12 PM

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11 days the male held for but today he spit 29 little fry. I have attached a couple of pictures, I really need a good macro lense.
I'm a little worried about him as he appears to have some white residue? around his mouth. I'll pamper him special for a few weeks, or whatever the rest of his life.
The fry seem large for betta fry with a rather large head, I will try feeding with microworms for a couple of days adding decapsulated artemia cysts as they grow.

Will keep you posted.


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Congratulations to you and the proud daddy!  I hope he recovers well from his fasting.
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


Fascinating, they do appear quite large as you say, good luck with being a grandad and let us know how things go along with the fry as well as dad. As Laura says, congratulations, I'm sure you are very proud! :)


Interesting that he hold for such a short time and spit out fry that are so "big".


I was speaking with a few people and doing some reading and it seems that with mouthbrooding bettas the egss hatch within 3 to 4 days and the male holds the wigglers until they are free swimming.
And the fry are big for labyrinth fry, tiny for your African fry Jen ;D
I can get my hands on some Betta pugnax, not nearly as colourful but larger, they will obtain a length of 3 inches, it may be easier to documentthe whole process with a larger species.
