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death of a fish :(

Started by audioslave_36, March 31, 2007, 10:19:22 PM

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I have 8 ID sharks, well now I have 7, I just lost one, they don't look sick, they are all active and eating.
the two parameters that I can test are ammonia 0ppm and nitrate 0.25ppm. I do water changes every wed and sun nights.  The shark started to swim erratic then sank to the bottom, twitching. it was bloated up then let out one gasp and passed away.  :'( Does anyone have any Idea what that was all about and are the rest of my sharks at risk ? :(



Wow, I am very sorry to hear about that, it is always difficult to lose a pet, especially when we don't really understand why, and of course, there are others, so it becomes a concern as to whether or not the same fate awaits its tankmates.

The iridescent shark is a sensitive fish, not to the water so much as to sudden movement and radical lighting changes. They have poor eyesight and are nervous as a result. A very peaceful fish that when they reach a certain size, tend to actually knock themselves unconscious running into things such as the glass, decorations, and as I recall, it has been years since I had them, the behaviour you mention is most likely one of these incidents, possibly.

The only other thing I might suggest, as it was a sudden development, would be a poisoning of some sort, but then it would show up in the other fish as well.

Are you certain it is actually dead, or is it possible that it came to after a short while and swam about embarrassed?

Apart from that, it is a very sudden and tragic thing that will likely have you puzzling all day.

Other bits of information here would be what sort of tank mates are in the same aquarium, and what size and manner of acoutrements are scattered throughout the tank, and of course, what size are the fish you have?

I do hope this can be figured out soon in case it is something else that could be treated.


"ammonia 0ppm and nitrate 0.25ppm. "

Are you sure you have not confused nitrate with nitrite?

Freshwater Nitrate tests pickup trace around 5ppm and 10 ppm is the next increment in color change. But Nitrite can be measured at .25ppm. Nitrite is very toxic to fish. If you have constant nitrite in your system you have insufficient biological filtration and water volume for your stocking level.


My first tank a 60 gallon came with 3 ID sharks (8 10 and 12 inch) also large ones such as the ones that you have. After 2 mths I quickly found them a new home trading them for some cichlid juvies. The gentleman that took them had a large commercial tank that he maintains and placed them in that tank,not sure how many hundreds of gallons.
He quickly pointed out to me that there growth was actually stunted because of the small 60 gallon that they were in, ie: heads were larger than there body size is supposed to be. These fish yes, would race back and forth in my tank often bumping into the glass ends walls if startled. If I remember correctly these fish are known to "play" dead if they feel in danger. Good luck and I hope everything works out well for you
80 corner diamond
110 short
40 cube


Quote from: babblefish1960 on April 01, 2007, 01:20:46 AM
The only other thing I might suggest, as it was a sudden development, would be a poisoning of some sort, but then it would show up in the other fish as well.

Are you certain it is actually dead, or is it possible that it came to after a short while and swam about embarrassed?

See I thought about the poisoning as well, I think my 6 plecos are hunting down the snails in the rocks, or the snails are dieing off on there own, but I did a complete gravel cleaning last night and found more empty shells than I did full ones, I think I recall reading somewhere that when snails die they become toxic in the water, is this true ?

Also I am 100% sure he/she passed away as I have seen them knock they selves silly before, I did the usual reach in the tank scoop up and hold near the surface and rub the head but he/she never woke up and swam away embarrassed as per usual.


Quote from: kennyman on April 01, 2007, 06:46:12 AM
"ammonia 0ppm and nitrate 0.25ppm. "

Are you sure you have not confused nitrate with nitrite?

Yes I did, I am sorry it is nitrite not nitrate. :-[


Quote from: babblefish1960 on April 01, 2007, 01:20:46 AM
Other bits of information here would be what sort of tank mates are in the same aquarium, and what size and manner of accoutrement's are scattered throughout the tank, and of course, what size are the fish you have?

I do hope this can be figured out soon in case it is something else that could be treated.

As far as tank mates, there are 7 ID sharks left ranging from 6" to 16" long , 6 small plecos 2" to 3", and a few snails in the rocks(no ides what kind they are)

And I have nothing else in the tank at this time because I was worried about them getting hurt or smashing the tank.


Quote from: audioslave_36 on April 01, 2007, 11:08:35 AM
Yes I did, I am sorry it is nitrite not nitrate. :-[

There are many articles about nitrite poisoning. If you have noticeable nitrite persisting in your system it will take out all your fish  :(

You need to figure out why it is there and stop it from accumulating.


Can someone recommend a good test kit buy that will allow me to test all the parametres that need to be tested or do I just buy more of the single test kits like the two I have for ammonia and nitrite, also what other parametres should I be testing on a regular basis ?

thank you everyone for your input and support.



I just retested the two parametres now and ammonia is still 0 and nitrite is now 0 and so far so good with the rest of my little friends :)



Thats Great news!  :)

Sometimes there are blips in the paramets like that. They can be caused by things like a dead snail or fish, aggressive filter maintenance, changes in source water etc.

The two tests you have are great for cycling. Nitrate is the next one to get. It helps you determine water change schedules. Some people find it easy to do %50 weekly changes and that should keep your water very clean and fresh. But it is nice to monitor the accumulation in nitate and make sure your water change schedule keeps it from peaking above 30 or 40 ppm between changes.


Well this morning I fear I am losing number two  :'( I got up, went through the three stages of turning on the lights, only to find six of my little friends greeting me at the front glass  :( . although I was happy to see them I fear that I had another casualty, I found he/she swimming upside down in circles at the top of the tank with a bloated stomach. the ammonia and nitrite levels are both 0. I did more than 50% water change and cleaned all the rocks on Saturday after my first loss   :'( :'(  who would have though that the loss of a fish or two could be so devastating ?  I guess tonight I will tear down my filters and make sure the problem is not there.  any other suggestion ? 

:(feel like I'm losing my children :(



also one other thing that I did add to my filtration was 100% polyester pillow fiber, could this be my killer ?

I am gonna shut down that filter now.

Also I have now lost my second.  :(


have you changed or added a new food? anything @ all?  the swimming erractically and bloated stomach...sounds like bloat perhaps? 
Tanks: salty nano cube, working on a fresh 125

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.  So love the people who treat you right.  Forget about the one's who don't.  Believe everything happens for a reason.  If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.  If it changes your life, let it.  Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.


sorry to hear of your loss!!

I use the pillow fiber and it's exactly the same as the filter floss...100% polyester. (as long as it says 100% polyester)

Hope you don't loose anymore :(
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


Be careful when you say you are going to tear down your filters, don't lose all those good bugs. Rinse only some of your sponges in clean, unchlorinated water and rinse the rest in old tank water.I use the pillow stuff and don't have a problem either. Ah is this tank a tad overstocked? As Kennyman says nitrites will kill. I'm still very much a newbie but if I test and see any reading for nitrites I know I'm in big trouble and better find out what's going on.
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


Wow I can believe how helpful and carring the people are on this site, I can't wait to meet you all.
well tonight I haven't lost any of my friends  :)  I did however do a 60 -75% water change again tonight and I took out the rock and all the snails, just in case they are the poison in the tank(dead ones I mean) and I put in brand new rock that I boiled for 20 mins then let cool. I pray to good that I don't lose anymore.  oh and by the way I took your advice and left the filter running with the fiber in it.

thanks once again, and if anyone else has any ideas please speak you mind! I am all ears.
