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turtle tank

Started by C-Dog, April 02, 2007, 12:02:25 AM

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hey guys,

i have a jeuvenille mississippi map turtle, 1 male and 1 female german ram, 1 bolivian ram, 1 yoyo loach, 5 corys, 2 bn plecos and about 6 platties that i bought for Brutus (the turtle) to eat but he didn't so now they have grown and are full size. Its pretty much a grassland swamp set up and i'm lookin to spice it up a little.
i have a floating dock for brutus but i'm thinking of making a slate cliffwork for him to bask and to add a natural effect to the tank.
the tank is a 31g

i need some suggestions on themes and fish combos and stuff.
willing to trade the rams, platties, for some fish or plants.
Oh yea its all real plants.

i used to have ciclids last until i bought brutus and i miss it so suggestions on fish and themes can help!

thanks guys.



Yes, turtles do eat fish, but his turtle is very small (in comparison to say a RES or redbelly). I have seen it in person and its tiny (again, only in comparison). It will have a hard time eating large fish. I have no doubts as too the fact that it would eat some smaller fish. I wouldnt go out and waste money on more expensive fish, just because of that. I say get some sale fish, like 5 for 5$ neons or something and try those out. You could also try white cloud minnows or pencilfish. Cory, I will take a second look at the setup and turtle at the next "SP" party (oh yea, forgot to tell you all us at superpet agreed we need to break the new house in for you ;)) Come by the store more often, we can talk better in poerson!


missisippi map turtle gets 8 inch and grow fast
larger fish turtles will take chunks out of,  small fish get eaten outright

i keep lepard danios with my turtles but replacing often
as for plants you will have trouble keeping them turtles eat alot and plants will be on the menu
fast growing plants water sprite, duckweed
mine do not eat java firn


i know they eat fish and such but they'll only eat fish that let them eat em like guppies and neons and stuff. I'm thinkin putting some small cichlids and stuff. and right now ive got some live plants and he doesn't eat em, lol i think brutus is a rebel.

and hes actaully 5-6 inches long excluding the his head and tail.


guppys, great but small cichlids i would be scared of any fish that bite back  infections mean vet bills


Cory you liar! Last time I spoke to you (which wasnt to long ago, like a week) you said he might be over 3" carapace lenght!


lol i think i emant width lol hes about 5 length for sure tho


Oh yea, I remember that now.... :-[ edit for additions here

Keep in mind also his is a male, average size for adult males is 4-6", so I wouldnt expect it to get much bigger if atall (noticeably). Females do have the possibility of reaching up to 12". At that size it should already be able to eat german rams and platys that he has in there, so I dont think he should have all too many issues with other fish.