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Feed fish?

Started by washefuzzy, April 06, 2007, 11:14:57 AM

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How often and when do people feed their fish. I'm doing the twice a what they can consume in a couple of minutes. But I've  heard of feeding your fish every second day or once a day. So I guess if you could kindly give me input that would be great.
20 gal:
8 zebra danios(one disapeared! proable a tank jumper)
3 platys
5 corys
1 gold algae eater(bamboozeled by salesman into this one!)
1 apple snail

10 gal: 2 ramshorn snail

2 gal: betta


The fish are quite happy when fed two or three times a week. I've left home for a week and they didn't notice  ???
The apple snail - I don't know. I'm still learning about them.


How much do you feed them when you feed them  do you feed them enough for 2 minutes?


unless I have fry which eat more often (every day), I feed every 2 days or so, only a small amount, their stomachs aren't that big...
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


sounds good to me. I like eating so much I always afraid every one else around me is starving to death including my fish! ;D
Happy Easter! :)


Um, well, two or three grains of betta bits in the bowl, a small pinch in the 10G, a larger pinch plus some greens in the 25G, and a bigger pinch in the 40G. Sometimes a blanched zuchinni in the tanks with plecos. Once in a while, some yummy bloodworms.


What 40gal?  :o I better look under the bed maybe I have killifish i don't know about.  ;)
Thank you your pinches have been very helpful. OWWW!


I feed once a day to all my non-fry tanks.  However, I often skip a day due to one reason or another.  If I'm trying to do condition for breeding, I may feed twice a day with meatier food.

I aim for Fry tanks to be fed twice a day usually. 


I'm definitely feeding my fish to much. I feed the snail collards and the platies eat it all up like little piggies. I sometimes think they are going to explode!
Thanks Darkdep


From some research, I'm of the opinion that most people feed too often (including me sometimes).  Fish expend very little energy in their day to day lives and thus, require very little food in general.  I'm away on several trips this year, and I'm only getting my wife to feed the fry tanks.  The fish will be fine without food for a few days at a time and it's far safer than risk someone not 100% familiar with their food overfeeding and causing a problem.


Hey DD, can your fish see the fry being fed?  If so, your wife must have great willpower.  I would have a hard time not feeding the fish if they could see other fish being fed; all those entreating eyes staring at me hopefully.  Nope, I'm a wuss and would cave in.  I guess I'm one of those overfeeders!  But hey, the tank is healthy, I inherited my algae with the plants, and the fish are in great shape.  I think if you do feed more often that small portions are the key.  You don't want to be dumping a ton of food in.  I find the biggest challenge is when you have piggy fish (like my pineapple swordtails) and you are trying to make sure less enthusiastic diners also get some food in them.  It's a delicate balance. 


Agree with you darkdep, personaly, i feed my fish twice a day and i try to give them a day off once a week like sunday its no food to let the chance of the stomach fish to kind of empty it. And what people said about cichlids is to feed them twice or 3 times a day but not to much, that help them to be less agressive each others. But for tropical fish is a little bit different, when i have my tropicals, i feed them 1 time every 2 days so 1 day i feed them and the other not and never had problems.


Yes the other fish can see the fry being fed and it drives them nuts.  Especially my big Spilonotus which splash me in protest from across the room.


Feeding depends on what's in the tank!

Tanks with fry will usually get 2 feedings a day. Other tanks wil get 1 feeding a day.
And at least once a week, everyone gets a day off from feeding.

Fish that get fed exclusively with live foods only get fed every 2nd day.


am i ever glad i read that!  i feed my fish waaaay too much...  :D...i have some cichlids that i feed sometimes 3-4 times a day every  i guess i better cut down.  but every time i feed them they eat it all.  they are my little savages.  maybe i will start feeding them less?