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hmmm what can they be?

Started by rocketboy, April 08, 2007, 08:21:06 PM

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Hey i have two fish to ID:

I think this is a tire track eel, but I'm not sure, cant seem to find pics that look like him:

and, I think this is a red terror, i bought it in a tank with green terrors and was told it was the female green terror,(maby they got the 2 confused?) which i know its not its not a gt for sure >:(. its almost doubled in size in oh i would say around 2 months and is now starting to get a reddish tint to its fins:

Those last three pictures were the same fish, but changes colors. And he goes completely black. Ive search the internet and cannot find any pictures like it :-\.If anyone has any idea of what it could be please tell me, its been driving me nuts :D trying to figure out what this guy is.
thanks for your help


I wish I knew, maybe DarkDep might know or artw? There are alot of experts on here and I am sure if we all put our minds to it we can help you out :D


Well the fish in the net looks like a convict cichlid.. but if that is the same fish as the one above and below, it can't be a convict.


zig zag eel and red terror guessing  :-\


It looks like one of the eels BA had a while back and they had labled it "tanginikya eel"

However I don't see a mtch in this list:


Looks like it might be a female blue acara
I've heard that the stripes on the red terror closest to its head come together to make a Y


Possibly wild caught red devil, I've read certain populations are striped like convicts. I don't think the eel is a zig zag or tire track


That is a red devil. I hope you have a big tank. They are adorable as juvies but they get massive :)


Maybe it is a Red Devil this guy trying to ID his too looks like yours


well its pretty similar to the barred midas, i think i can say case closed for this guy(unless someone comes up with a different id) . i actually have 2 pure orange midas in there with him/her at the moment. Thanks a bunch guys for your help i would have never looked in that direction :).
as for the eel the ones stated above, some of them do have similar coloration and markings but the nose on them are pointy, my guys nose is rounded :-\ (i don't know if you notice but if you scroll over a little on the first picture you can see its head)

Thanks alot again for your help and hopefully someone can figure out what kind of eel i have.


I think you may have a hybrid/cross bread on your hands. It seems to have characteristics of a few different eels. Although im not too sure if that is possible with these species.  ::)