Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

New Arrival: My new Burundi Frontosa Colony!

Started by darkdep, April 09, 2007, 08:12:23 PM

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Some (bad) pics of the new setup. 

75 Gallon tank, currently home to 4 large Protomelas spilonotus "Mara Rocks", 11 Synodontis multipunctatus (6 Wild, 5 G1) and now 11 Cyphotilapia sp. "North" (Burundi), aka Burundi Frontosa!

Tank is overcrowded but ok.  And no, I'll not ever win any photo contests :)


Wow, you have some more fish in there, they look a lot like ones mr. bit seemed to have not too long ago.  ;)

It is interesting how they seem to complement the synodontus, the abstract colours really bring the syno's to life. I like all the rock too.

I can't believe we're talking about African cichlids though, not bad for such a tiny segment from such a wee lake of the cichlid world. Happy Birthday APW, nice present! :)


They DO really complement the Syno's, don't they?  Sitting and watching is very cool.  It's such a strange thing to sit and watch an African tank where there is zero aggression and everyone is slow and peaceful.  Well, until feeding time :)

Fresh shrimp for supper last night, and I can see that feeding these guys will be a bit of a challenge as they are really passive eaters.  I have to overload the Spilonotus with food as they almost jump out of the water to get it, then food that gets past them the Syno's go after with's only the odd piece that nobody notices that the Fronts go after. 


Glad they are doing well, feeding them in that tank will become an increasing challenge!

I'll feel better once they are all healed from the fin damage that occured in the 65 corner tank and during transportation.

Just wait till they are all 7"+-12" Frontosa!!! :D

I am still sad to see them go  :'( , but another tank was not in my future, and they are in a good home now.


PS.  APW any time I see a front in the photo contest it gets my vote ;)


Yep, couple of 6 foot tanks are planned for fish room II for sure, I'll need it!


Quote from: DarkDep on April 10, 2007, 08:16:33 AM
Yep, couple of 6 foot tanks are planned for fish room II for sure, I'll need it!

APW I can see you getting totally nuts addicted into frontosa and having 8 WC colonies covering 8 different Collection points, like the guy in Bowlmanville I got my Mpimbwe from :D



You make me sound like I'm addicted to fish or something :D


How are all the Burundi's doing? Any updates?


I'm sad!  I'm in Toronto at the moment, I had to leave them in the care of my mother-in-law for the weekend.  They were just starting to come out from hiding before I left (The big female was very timid at first, she's sort of the baseline...she's out in front now and doesn't hide from me unless I make sudden moves now).  Such different attitudes compared to most Africans.  They fit with the Spilonotus and Multis perfectly in temperament.

Anyone willing to be an emergency on-call person should I get a panicky phone call this weekend?


Quote from: DarkDep on April 13, 2007, 11:14:11 AM
I'm sad!  I'm in Toronto at the moment, I had to leave them in the care of my mother-in-law for the weekend.  They were just starting to come out from hiding before I left (The big female was very timid at first, she's sort of the baseline...she's out in front now and doesn't hide from me unless I make sudden moves now).  Such different attitudes compared to most Africans.  They fit with the Spilonotus and Multis perfectly in temperament.

Anyone willing to be an emergency on-call person should I get a panicky phone call this weekend?

Normally I would say yes, but my wife would kill me if I left in the middle of my sons 2nd birthday party.

Don't wory everything will be fine.... Have fun in hog town also LOL



Just a thought, since you are going to be away off and on, why not setup a webcam on all your tanks so you can enjoy them when you are on the road? You could also get fancy with monitoring software so you can get all your reedings too :D



Quote from: DarkDep on April 13, 2007, 11:14:11 AM
Anyone willing to be an emergency on-call person should I get a panicky phone call this weekend?

sure dude...if you're not just being paranoid.  :)  give her my #.
Tanks: salty nano cube, working on a fresh 125

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.  So love the people who treat you right.  Forget about the one's who don't.  Believe everything happens for a reason.  If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.  If it changes your life, let it.  Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.


She will come out soon enough. Especially at feeding time ! She did for me. I miss her.. :(


I would be willing you help too. :D

(Located in West-Ottawa)


Thanks folks, I'll throw out an alert if needed.  Mom-in-law is fine to feed, but incase there was a real problem I'd need a real fish person :)


Any updates how are they doing?
